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  • Hi my name is joe and some other members told me you would be the best person to talk to about the pennys/cat bike I recently acquired a frame and was trying to find as much info a possible if you have any thing that could help I would appreciate it greatly
    Hi I recently acqired a CAT Duster. I need a seat a sissy bar ans well as a front fender. Do you who remakes the seat and ant help with the parts would be great thanks.
    Hello. I recently aquired a Hustler MX, yellow in color. It has a 3.5 horse tecumsah engine with a belt drive torque converter. It has 15 inch tires on it. I cannot figure out who made it. Or much about it at all really. What I really need to know is it has a 29 x 5/8 drive belt and I would like to know if this is the correct belt or not. It seems long. Can anybody help me?
    Hi Derek, thanks for the invite. Thanks for all you postings and pictures as well. I've learned quite a bit about my newly aquired Cat, Sling shot.
    Hey Derek, you may have seen my Cat for sale listed in complete mini bikes. It's gotten plenty of views but no takers yet. Can you take a look and let me know if I am in line with what I am asking? I am a constant buyer but rarely sell anything. Circumstances have changed here so I need to do this. Thanks alot..Tony
    Kickstart....I sent you a private message let me know if you received it.
    Thanks ~ Derek
    [IMG] [IMG] Hello, I am looking for any info on a Cat The All American. I took it and a other mini in trade. I posted it New member, What is it. But little data back. Any feedback wood be great. Then I found you, and Cat group................ Thank you
    Derek, do you by any chance have a rear wheel for sale that will work on a Cat 250? Thanks!

    Is this a new group? How is it going, if it is?
    I've had several Tule Troopers, actually I owned several, and one showed up on the Tote Gote site. The guy did a comparison to his Tote Gote.

    That was a Big Boy, with a 7 hp engine. I think that test was a little biased; because that Tule would really run nice.
    Derek, how are you doing on that Tule Trooper I sold you?....any photos/......also, I noticed that you have a posted photo under your name (to the far left of the posts), it looks like a permanent do I add one to mine?, for the life of me, I can't figure it out!.....Thanks in advance, Frank Davis.
    tule troopers are great i converted one for flea mkt use with a 5 hp honda with the 2 speed then i couldn t stop it thats another story welded on a diskfor disc brakes andputa go kart disk setup on it its a driver now i also made it street legal with a headlite and tailight johnnyo fl
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