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  • scooter boy im bulding a taco 44 with 6 inch rims azuza tristars i need a 60 tooth for 41 chain same as azuza one only yours the lady at OldMiniBikes said she had the 35 chain one so i ordered one shesaid to call you to get a price on the 41 sprocket thank you vary mutch dwp dan
    Hey Scooter Boy,
    as usual I'm checking my message right now. Yes my registry is still up and I'm still take bike info. What year are your 22?
    By the way I'm not sure if you know about the internet show CarCast but I work on it and next week the show went to Chip Foose's Shop and in the show Chip has match the TACO purple color from a pair of original handle bars with good paint and a bottle of 40 year old original STEENS TACO Purple touch up paint. if your restoring any of your TACOs the purple mystery is now solved.
    TACO Don
    I think you were trying to contact me a while back. I lost a bunch of emails and I don't have time to keep up with my mini bike hobby the way I would like to.
    Please discard if this is a mistake or sorry if it has taken so long to get back to you.
    TACO Don
    Hello, my name is Robert and I was talking to Steve Durham the other night he said I should talk to you about repairing a broken tooth on a rear wheel of powell? thank you RDS
    Guy wants to know when you will be making Tom Thumb minis.........here is his email address:jwwinchester@aol.com
    Jeffrey Winchester.
    Hello, I have a scan of a picture of my minibike from 1964 that I would like the brand and model identified. I dont know how I can insert the pic. Its a pdf. Can you help me? Thanks Scott S.

    It had a Clinton 2-stroke engine.
    was just curious, whats happenig with the cat chain guard. any for sale yet ?
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