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  • Is the 406 one of the early ones that I believe was based or built on a Honda frame? Actually I guess those 406's are all early but I know they Rip!! I haven't rode my 605 in a while. I bought it new in like 2000 from a dealer that closed. I think it has like 1300 miles on it and I am on like the 4th rear tire-that Rotax has a LOT of torque. I have considered selling it but the resale on the ATK's kind of sucks compared to other bikes-not sure why since they ARE insanely well made. I think I paid $6500 for it back than and that was cheap in perspective. I pretty much gave up on riding on the street at all with it due to it seems like NO one sees me coming. I kind of want to sell it and go back to like a CR500 and stay the hell off road-streets are just too dangerous but it's really nice being able to ride to your riding spot-

    I REALLY like those Liquid cooled 250's as well. They will get your heart pumping for sure.
    do you still have the bearkats?
    my buddy would love to talk to you about them. can you pm me your phone number?
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