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  1. Norwalkin

    Comment by 'Norwalkin' in media 'IMG_5149'

    Been a while but I see a few other Super Stockers being restored....the rat bike I found turned out like the one my dad bought me in the 60’s. Got it signed by George before he passed RIP! Now it belongs to my 2 grandsons to fight over!
  2. Norwalkin

    El Mirage SCTA

    Now were talkin' :rockon: Hey now! :cool2: Last year it was very informal .... walking the pit row taking pics or speaking withe crews during pitting and lots-O-Nitro (close enough to feel it).... ha ha ha .....and of course lots of room for cruisin slalom style through the brush patches...
  3. Norwalkin

    El Mirage SCTA

    :thumbsup: Hey Now! :001_tt2: Its' that time of year again! How about that worlds fastest mini bike showin' up at the Lake Bed?? :shrug: I will be camping near the starting area May 14 and 15 with some friends... and there mini bikes. Be there .... You will never think of...
  4. Norwalkin

    So Cal Minibike Parts Yardsale 2011

    :wink: Hey Now! :shrug: Can come early ..... I really do live around the :out: :scooter: Be good! :laugh:
  5. Norwalkin

    Annual L.A. County Christmas Classic Vehicle Show

    Yep Thats' the place Howdy Neck.:anon.sml: Yes been there almost 20 years. Craig is the Fleet manager and Chris is his subordinate. We do the work and they take time to talk to people ..... like you. :shrug: We only talk to them when ... Oh yeah those KMEs' well the...
  6. Norwalkin

    Annual L.A. County Christmas Classic Vehicle Show

    :drinkup: Hey Now! :smile: Happy Holidays to all my OldMiniBikes friends! :xmas-smiley-016: This is an invitation to all (within range) who would like to attend. Please bring your collectible or vintage whatever and join the show. Or just stop by and enjoy the vehicles on display...
  7. Norwalkin

    Anyone in california wanna ship this to me?

    Nice Ride! Hello! Being a Barris fan and waiting to meet him to sign my SS resto...... :thumbsup: OK I can strip it down :hammer: and have plenty of access to good boxes and small pallets if necessary. So yes I will fetch it .... if you win it bro' pack it up and you can pay...
  8. Norwalkin

    Toys for Tots

    :surrender: Hey Now! :detective: I put a call in to an interested LA County Sheriff who gave us a card last year after hearing about the ride. I will touch base again and see if he can get us an escort. We talked briefly of a ride from Baca HQ to Toys-r Us in Alhambra then back to Baca...
  9. Norwalkin

    My Super Stocker project

    yeah I know :shrug: I know ..... :hammer: .... best $100 I spent in a while .... lol .... Dang tho I bid on 3 h50's on ebay and lost all 3 by $2.50 .... but they were well over $350 Just cannot justify the 1.5hp gain at that cost .... lol ..... so until a decent priced H50...
  10. Norwalkin

    Cannonball run Finish

    :drinkup: Hey Now! :thumbsup: To those in So. Cal there is an event "Coast to Coast Vintage Motorcycle run" finishing tomorrow at the Santa Monica Pier. (Please excuse this post if I missed the thread on it) :shrug: But several moped groups are going to try to follow the caravan on...
  11. Norwalkin

    Hey Dave Are you gonna go down to Santa Monica Pier and watch the Cannonball motorcycle come...

    Hey Dave Are you gonna go down to Santa Monica Pier and watch the Cannonball motorcycle come in on thier last leg! I was gonna be there with the Whizzer. Should be quite a seen. Check out the website ....
  12. Norwalkin

    My Super Stocker project

    Finish ... ? :wink: Hey Now! :thumbsup: Thanks for looking folks! Here is the finish.:rockon: Aside from a few small Nascar sponser stickers on the clutch guard ... like STP, Champion, and Hedman Headers are a few .. :shrug: ... from what I remember :out: Runs snappy...
  13. IMG_5149


  14. IMG_5148


  15. IMG_5147


  16. 90


    Super Stocker ...... Amazing what upholstery can do for a bike! Off to make the cardboard chain guard mock-up from SS .... Thanks for lookin'
  17. Norwalkin

    My Super Stocker project

    Gettin' there :wink: Hey Now! :thumbsup: Waiting for the seat ... (gave em a piece of xtra frame tape graphic for color match). Got the chain guard in cardboard mock-up mode and will work on it after the Holiday. It runs strong and is looking good. And a couple pics...
  18. Barris Bike

    Barris Bike

    Chain guard being fabricated and Seat out at trim shop.
  19. Barris Bike

    Barris Bike

    Seat still out for upholstery ... and chain guard in progress ...
  20. Norwalkin

    My Super Stocker project

    Some assembly required..... :grind: Hey Now! :hammer: Just got the forks back from powder coating. They look nice IMHO .....:thumbsup: I have the engine mounted with a fresh chain and clutch and it runs strong! (Nice lil motor Evilone):evil_laughter: The rear fender seems to...