Hi, I just saw your message about the Sportsman 300. I believe that what little info I put into my post was found on the forum at tote gote land--someone else was restoring one. There seems to be very little info on the web about these bikes. Sorry I don't have anything more concrete to help...
Without pictures its hard to tell exactly whats causing your situation but something like this might be helpful to keep the heat at bay...
Design Engineering DEI 010462 - DEI Reflect-A-Cool Heat Shields - Overview - SummitRacing.com
I noticed that mine had an opening in the shielding along the black wire so I guess it would make sense that the white ground was attached there. Let me know how your's works when you get it going modding_out. Thanks
Awe crap, I just looked at the tiny tach I purchased used (not installed yet) and I am missing the red and white wires too. I don't think my previous answer will be very useful :oops: and now I am thinking I will eventually need to know the same things you are looking to learn. Definitely...
What a great idea! I think your store will take-off in a good way. I especially like that you are carrying at least one of the site members products. This can only be good for the minibike community as a whole. Thanks
I've been looking into this myself and ran across a website that may have some interest.
Kart Pipes - Go Kart Options/Accessories
These guys sell bends or complete pipes and seem to be fairly reasonable.
Silver, gunmetal gray, metallic black, a different shade of metallic purple or even gold wouldn't clash (but the gold might look gaudy). Nice score on that bike by the way!
I did a set of GM backing plates using one of those...it took awhile and I had to refill it a few times. I think Spacecoast is correct in telling you that a syphon (or even better pressure) setup would work better for doing a frame. I do think that the little gravity setup would work just fine...
Damn, those Astro's that Scooterboy posted up sure look cool! Oh, I might be biased since I bought a set off of him!! The vintage ones look killer but I was much to impatient to wait for a set to come up for sale and the Astro's look real close to the Torque Thrust D's on my Ford Mustang which...
I know this is a really easy to answer question...except I am waiting on my chain to arrive and want to finish setting up my rear axle spacers/build a bracket for my drum brake. Basically I need to know how much clearance is needed between the sprocket and frame rails to allow for a #35 chain...
running an Azusa fork while I rebuild my factory forks...their tweeked out of shape and welded solid at this point...aargh, I hate fixing someone elses work
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