Search results

  1. T

    Accessory fittings?

    I stumbled upon a similar item and remembered this thread, so thought I’d share the Amazon listing. Rubber insulated clamp mounts, reasonably priced.
  2. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    Found this little goodie. Expensive, but super convenient if you’re willing to pay the price.
  3. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    Thanks. I guess that’s an option, but the exit hole is gonna be mighty small by that point. There are 10x1.25 fuel shutoffs that might work with similar exit hole dia...considering that as an option as well but it has the same issue. Not a total show stopper, its a consideration.
  4. T

    My homemade glass pack muffler

    I like
  5. T

    Tote Gote

    Not my cup of tea, but maybe one of y’all will want to see this?
  6. T


    Does anyone know approximately what years these Hornets were manufactured? Thanks again, Tug
  7. T

    Clone drain plug exension

    Interesting. Wonder what the length is?
  8. T

    Sears Puddle Jumper -Restored- 10hp Briggs Animal, many new parts. $1000

    Lots of great work there. Worth every penny imo.
  9. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    Saw the link, thanks. May also try your technique for drilling and tapping. Thanks for the tip!
  10. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    Seems like drilling and tapping the case would introduce metal internally, and I’d rather not open the case. Too much trouble at this point. Thanks for the idea though.
  11. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    Thought about drilling it like u mention. May end up there. Thanks for the assist. Also, there are M10x1.25 threaded fuel on/off valves available, but I figured they would drain pretty slowly.
  12. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    You’re a stud for having tried to assist in the search, and I thank you. I also saw that very part on eBay and came to the same conclusions.
  13. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    If so, neither shows in a google search. Even McMaster was a dry hole.
  14. T

    Oil Drain Hose

    The “Drainzit” drain hoses are a great idea but shouldn’t cost $20. I have googled until I’m blind but can’t seem to find a barbed hose fitting with M10x1.25 threads for the oil drains in Hondas/Clones. Source, anyone? Thanks, Don
  15. T

    Fabrication step by step with box tubing.

    Thanks. Subbed.
  16. T

    What Source and Type for Exhaust Tubing?

    Bought 1” EMT to experiment with at first. If that’s not completely hideous then I will post pics and maybe try more expensive materials. I am honestly expecting throw a lot of material in the bin at first, and I’m ok with that. It will be a learning process.
  17. T

    Thank you HENT!

    Help me out, what sort of topics are anticipated? How-To’s, Custom Parts, Welding repairs? All, some, or noe of the above? Thanks, Don
  18. T

    Been a while since I made any progress on the warrior. Here's an update

    Where’d you source the tank? Not original is it? Looks great.
  19. T

    What Source and Type for Exhaust Tubing?

    Bought some raw materials for my exhaust projects. Haven’t welded in 40 years. Have never used a bender for anything bigger than 3/8 inch aluminum tubing, which was also 40 years ago. What could go wrong? Dont answer that, and don’t count on my posting pics of the work!