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  1. C

    Moto mower

    Here are pictures of its tag
  2. C

    Moto mower

    Thanks Markus! I actually just stumbled upon the same pictures! I'll take a picture of the tag tonight. It says Moto mower. I'm thinking my little yelow briggs motor isn't for it... it does have a cool little flip down cover over the flywheel! Looks like you'd flip it down, and wrap a rope...
  3. C

    Moto mower

    Hi guys. I was just given this moto mower mini bike. All I know about it is that it's a Moto mower... The tag is still on it. The model # is there, but for some reason I didn't take a picture of it.... Where can I find info on this bike? I can't seem to find anything on Google! Any help would...
  4. C

    Rupp Go Joe

    Thanks Rupp 72. You would think at some point when sanding the fiberglass or even where there are cracks there would be evidence of some white?? I dont recall seeing any. But I will check tonight.
  5. C

    Rupp Go Joe

    Hey guys. Im brand new to this forum. I have been hanging on to an old go joe for about 18 years now. I had no idea what I had t'ill about 2 years ago. I actually even almost cut the long nose off when I was a kid. It has the Kohler engine, but the reason im writing here is because you guys are...