Search results

  1. M

    old lil indian rebuild

    I have that cooler on my bike that looks like a tom thumb. Its a great color on a bike. Good luck with ur bike.
  2. M

    should i trade my stellar chopper for a rupp roadster???????????

    the rupp also comes with a 4hp techumsa generated engine that runs.
  3. M

    should i trade my stellar chopper for a rupp roadster???????????

    I have a stellar chopper that needs and engine but all the other parts are there. For a rupp roadster that needs to be repainted but he has all the parts for it. It has to be put back together. It is the 10 inch rim bike. Take a look at my bike and tell me what you think. Thanks.......
  4. M

    Rupp mini bike wanted

    On long island Ny. What kind of bike you have.
  5. M

    Rupp mini bike wanted

    Im looking for a rupp mini bike that has the 12inch rims. It dosent matter the condition of the bike. I have a rare stellar chopper thats in great shape and i will trade it for a rupp mini bike. Take a look at my pictures to see it.
  6. M

    1972 rupp roadster F\s

    hey Hi i was wondering if you interested i a trade. I have a rare stellar chopper. I you want to trade for it. Look atmy pictures.
  7. M

    Trade my stellar chopper

    Im located on long island
  8. M

    Trade my stellar chopper

    Take a look at my photos.
  9. stellar face plate

    stellar face plate

  10. chain guard

    chain guard

  11. stellar


  12. stellar


  13. M

    Trade my stellar chopper

    Hi i have a stellar chopper that im willing to trade. Im looking for a rupp with the 12inch rims or a skat kitty mini bike.
  14. M

    Minibike Ice Racer from MA

    great bike
  15. M

    Yet another Minibike I'd

    Nice bike
  16. M

    yamasaki mt 175

    you want to sell it///
  17. M

    dumb ?

    china bikes suck. AMERICA MADE MINIS
  18. M

    What is this?

    Nice bike. You should make it a racing mini bike.
  19. M

    Check this out

    this is a cool bike. Is it for sale.