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  1. paul_probus

    Heald Clean Up

    OK, the knobbies. I thought there was a different pattern as I believe it had been stated the knobbies can slide out on you. I have no experience, yet, so I can't say. Thanks, Paul
  2. paul_probus

    Heald Clean Up

    OK, for those of us not in the know, what tires are they? Do they come in VT-10 size? :laugh:
  3. paul_probus

    super bronc vt8, vt10 ballon tires???

    I am curious as to how they ride, so please keep us informed. Thank you.
  4. paul_probus

    What is a Super Bronc worth?

    The top button is likely a horn button. The side button could either be a kill switch or turn signals. Hard to tell. These styles of switches are still available from moped parts suppliers like, and (I could be wrong about the URL for that last...
  5. paul_probus

    What is a Super Bronc worth?

    Its a heater for the winter time to keep your feet warm.
  6. paul_probus

    Any one ever tried to register anything other than a moped as a moped?

    In VA, it used to be as long as it had turn signals, head and taillights, and was 50CC's or under, it was considered a moped and did not even need to be registered or get a title for it. That changed in 2013, though and by last June (I think) mopeds needed to get titles and be registered...
  7. paul_probus

    How wide is too wide?

    Please provide a link to the Vendetta tires you are thinking of using. I have wondered, myself, what the limit is and am considering building something around the rear wheels and tires on my garden tractor (Carlisle All Trails, I think), but then I have to finish my Super Bronc first and I am...
  8. paul_probus

    Are you American?

    If anything, its good for a laugh.
  9. paul_probus

    Still shaking my head....

    I did notice that the seller is offering free local pickup. That should sweeten the deal. :laugh:
  10. paul_probus

    HF blast cabinet

    Thanks. Because I could not concentrate full time working on it (working on other projects as well) and had some setbacks, took about 9 months. It would have taken longer had I not been furloughed when the gov't shutdown. I was working on cutting out the hopper at the time and figuring out...
  11. paul_probus

    HF blast cabinet

    You can do what I did and build your own. Yeah, it does leak some, but works well and I sized it to fit my Super Bronc frame. Paul
  12. paul_probus

    Heald Super Bronc any information would be greatly appreciated

    The short answer is "Yes". It is actually all of the above. It was the builder's choice as to whether you wanted to buy the optional tank or just use the one that came with the engine and also the builder's choice if you wanted to just use the optional tank and eliminate the engine's tank for...
  13. paul_probus

    never seen forks bent this far

    Looks like a good start for someone interested in making their own trail tamers. :laugh:
  14. paul_probus

    Allen metal lathe posting

    That UK website that Old Fat Guy linked to may even have copies of the lathe's manual that they would sell. That site is about the best "encyclopedia" of US and UK made lathes you can find on the 'net.
  15. paul_probus

    heald documents any interest in scans?

    Count me in as being interested in seeing what you have.
  16. paul_probus

    we are under attack !!

    Probably Jung Il's folks. Did OldMiniBikes get bought out by Sony? :doah:
  17. paul_probus

    Preparing steel frame for painting

    One more thing. A good book to learn about paint and painting metal is AutoBody Repair Technology. Its information may be a little dated when it comes to products, but it does have a lot of good information in it. For ex. the books says that Lacquer based primers are compatible with most...
  18. paul_probus

    Preparing steel frame for painting

    What has worked well for me as an amateur painter is to wipe down with mineral spirits. Then I use Rustoleum's self etching primer (like another, I can't find Duplicolor's self etching primer locally), then I use Rustoleum's 2-in-1 sanding primer which is a primer surfacer, it builds up the...
  19. paul_probus

    LiquidPiston "X Mini" 70 cc Rotary Engine

    I will reserve judgement on any new engine development. I used to read my dad's old pop sci, pop mech, mech illus back when i was a kid. Those old mags were full of new engine design prototypes that never made it to production, although every one was going to replace the normal gasoline...
  20. paul_probus

    American Pickers

    I think they try to deal mostly with the very rare stuff, when it comes to transportation, or stuff that can easily be sold off to a business. Not sure how many businesses would be willing to hang or lift onto a shelf something as heavy as mini bike when an old bicycle can be lifted by a single...