Search results

  1. P

    WTB: go kart one piece tie rod

    Hello, I’m looking for a one piece steering tie rod with a slotted metal piece that bolts to the base of the steering shaft. It looks like some of the old Sears and Manco go karts came with these originally. I’m interested in buying one if anyone has one they’d sell. Picture is referencing what...
  2. P

    Wanted scrub brake setup for manco yard kart

    Hi Catmx007, I’ll definitely buy the brake setup from you. I’d also buy the rod from the foot pedal to the lower mount to actuate the scrub brake too. I’m Eric and I’m in Benson, MN 56215. I’ll try to private message you my shipping info and phone number. If you could send a couple pictures of...
  3. P

    Want to buy scrub brake setup for my manco yardkart

    Thanks for getting me headed in the right direction. I’m new to the site and appreciate the navigation.
  4. P

    Wanted scrub brake setup for manco yard kart

    Hi everybody! I recently found and bought back my childhood go kart. The rear section behind the seat is completely butchered. I’m planning on restoring it back to original. Does anyone have a scrub brake setup they would sell? I’ll attach some pictures of what I’m looking for. Thanks!!
  5. P

    Want to buy scrub brake setup for my manco yardkart

    I recently found and bought back my childhood go kart. The rear frame section behind the seat is totally butchered. I’m looking to buy a scrub brake setup, as I want to restore it back to original. Anyone have one they would sell? I’ll attach some pictures of what I’m looking for. Thanks!