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  1. R

    Sperry Tricub

    I have a Sperry Tricub that needs quite a bit of work but the basics are there. Frame, rear end (seized/rusted), fiberglass tub, handlebars, front wheel and rear wheels (not correct ones). No motor. Selling it for what I paid for it $30.00. Would rather not ship. Can see it on craigslist...
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    AR, OK, MO, KS, Riders

    Anything new on a gathering? I am in central missouri.
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    New guy with a new project..

    I'm thinking we may need to organize a swap meet or gathering for central missouri. Wonder how many people on OldMiniBikes are in the area?
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    New guy with a new project..

    Hey Glenn how's the mini coming along? I am in Columbia, MO. Any swap meets or mini bike gatherings around the St. Louis Area?
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    Mystery Trike - A few more photos - Still a mystery!

    Phoenix Engineering made in Fremont Nebraska......Bird mini trike. I have one identical to yours except mine has a jackshaft and rear sprocket is in the center of rear axle. Not sure if that is the way it should be. Just picked it up last night.
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    Mystery Trike

    Trying to figure out what this trike is. It has similarities to other trikes I have looked at on OldMiniBikes but none are identical. It may just be a conglomeration of a trike body and different front fork. Bought it off Craigslist for $100. Has a solid Briggs, a Yamaha thumb throttle (may keep on...
  7. Gilson roller

    Gilson roller

  8. R

    Trike-What make/model is it?

    Trike Bill, Here is what I am working with. Not sure what the "foot" brackets under the neck are since it has foot pegs on the forks. They look to be original and not added judging by the layout and welds. Notice the Yamaha thumb throttle.
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    How to post pictures (Test Area)

    trike test
  10. Trike


    Trike - unknown manufacturer
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    Trike-What make/model is it?

    Bill, Do you still have the trike? I just picked up a trike locally and it is identical to the one you have pictured. Pegs are on front forks and the front wheel is narrow with 5 spokes and about 10" in diameter. Anyway the guy I got it from should never of owned a welder and modified the...
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    Allis Chalmers/Gilson..hope you can help me out

    Flyweed, I have a decent, straight, no rust Gilson roller I might consider parting with. Pros: On the bike - tires and rims, rear sprocket, drum brake, jack shaft, both front and rear fenders, chain guard, foot pegs, toggle kill switch. Even have the two clips to hold throttle cable and...
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    ***WANTED*** Mini bike models

    Have a Gilson rolling chassis I would part with. I'll try to post a pic this weekend.
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    New member-Central Missouri

    Been checking out the site for the last couple of weeks and I must compliment you all on the information and content. Relatively new to the mini bike arena. Have worked on go carts in the past and only recently traded a go cart for a lil indian, complete, and now I am hooked. Week ago I...