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  1. G

    Help! My brand new mini bike refuses to start--clone engine

    Thanks for the tip Manchester. I did notice that even though I take .63 quarts that I ended up filling only about .55-.6 quarts before it started dripping out. I'm gonna a top it off later tonight or tomorrow when I try to start it again.
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    Help! My brand new mini bike refuses to start--clone engine

    Ok, so I removed the spark plug and pulled it over a few times. The plug was soaked with gas and the spark plug hole was misting out what gas was left. I put it back together and started it. It did a little better this time but no where near perfect. It started, felt like it was bucking, sounded...
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    Help! My brand new mini bike refuses to start--clone engine

    Pull it over with the gas valve off? Thanks bigrob, I'm going to go do that now.
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    Help! My brand new mini bike refuses to start--clone engine

    Ok, I just removed the carb bowl and checked the float. It moves freely without any obstruction or debris, it is brand new. I do notice tiny air bubbles and gas leaking from the exhaust flange. Did I flood something? What else should I check?
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    Help! My brand new mini bike refuses to start--clone engine

    Hey guys, today was a pretty nice day in Michigan so I decided to start my bike up for the first time and take it for a ride. The bike decided otherwise. With the first pull it sounded like it wanted to start but then didnt. Then nothing after that and it seems as though with every pull gas...
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    Anyone know what this is?

    How does it turn? Looks as though the steel plate forks (or whatever material it is) will hit against the fender in just a few degrees.
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    Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Header

    @ badlands I really liked the placement and length of your exhaust, your threads are where I got most of the info for our bikes. Sadly I don't have access to a welder but if you wanna make me one, I'd gladly pony up
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    Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Header

    Thanks for the input Newcastle, it's all very helpful. I saw your clearance is really tight and was wondering how you got the pipe to line up the way you had it but ill take your tip and just hand tighten with trial and error until it lines up the way I like. I also saw an elbow that has a...
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    Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Header

    It does..thanks for posting the pics and clearing what works with the ct200u. I'm buying the same exhaust hoping I wouldn't have to modify it to fit but this seems simple enough.
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    Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Header

    Hey Newcastle, would you happen to have the part numbers for the elbow and threaded connector? Thanks
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    Hey Kruger, I'm having a hard time locating a 15t 3/4" #40/41 sprocket on the web. I see that OldMiniBikes warehouse and a few other sites carry a 14t sprocket and was thinking if that would be ok to get to that ideal gear ratio. Thanks again for the help.
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    Sorry for the confusion, I'm familiar with the 20t sprocket and the location. Im just unsure if there would be any additional stress put onto the motor or clutch that would require an upgraded part. I know the gearing allows is to stretch its legs and more related to the trans but like I said...
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    Thanks for the input Kruger, Im real interested in the sprocket swap, not only for the bang for the buck but ease of modification. Does a sprocket swap require anything done to the engine internally like a billet flywheel and rods? I'll draw the line for now if I have to open her up since she's...
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    Mine is assembled and in the garage. It pains me to see it everyday but I won't start it untill I can ride it. I'm looking forward to some MI riding events/meets as well. It'll be fun to cruise around, dont know how I'm going to transport though.
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    tested my tav today it was a great ride

    no to the music (I like hip hop n rap also but it just doesn't fit) but great video to share. Nice bike, really jealous of you Cali guys that can drive all year round.
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    Coleman CT200U Vs Motovox MBX10

    I love my Coleman. It's a nice sturdy frame and has a Honda clone so parts are easily sourced. It's also on the bigger side of mini bikes, could be a bad or good thing. (good for me 5'10"-200lbs) The biggest reason for the top speed is the governor. Do the big three and let out the screw a...
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    That's great to hear. I love looking at the bike, which is the only thing I can do right now with the snow lol. As far as the intake goes it looks as though it's redesigned adapter that funnels the air a bit more. Don't know if it's worth the extra money honestly for my application so I'll be...
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    New Coleman CT200u owner

    Hey guys. Just introducing myself, I'm a proud and first time owner of a Coleman CT200U. Back in the day I was one of those kids who never got cool stuff like this. I was so envious of the other kids in the neighborhood scooting along on their gopeds, mopeds, and mini bikes while I was using my...