So I actually had this happen to me. Fixed it by replacing that jackshaft...
And then about a month later, replaced it all with a torque converter anyway. I wish I had just done that from the start and saved some money. Its so much better.
As for the 16mm to 5/8 issue, I solved that pretty easily:
I used those same parts on my BT200. Everything lined up fine. I had to make a new chain but that wasn't a big deal. Did a few other things at the same time.
Biggest issue I had was that I have a 16mm crankshaft but I fixed that:
Awesome. That is the first steel brake lever I've seen online. Ordering....
Also....decided to make some new handle bars. I guess in the bicycle world they are called 'butterfly' handles.
Anyway, took almost no time to make these and should offer a lot of protection to the controls.
Would any of those fit my mini bike? The first time I broke the lever, I searched online for an upgraded steel lever and had no hits.
If that is the case, perhaps I will have to invent one. It seems like a no brainer to protect the first part of the bike to hit the ground in a dump, from...
I guess I should clarify, guards that don't suck, hopefully that someone has actually used.
I actually tried these ones, that where very similar, but they where a total joke...
Are there any bolt on handle bar guards for Coleman bikes? I haven't found any so far but it seems such an obvious product that it must exist.
I ask, because I seem to break my brake lever all the time. Its cheap to replace, but really annoying. I've never had what I would call a wreck, but...
I wish I had known just how superior TC's where when I got my bike three years ago. I just put a TC on it and its instantly twice the machine it used to be. Only took me one night in the shop and cost less than $100 and its a whole new machine. I can stop start on hills, crawl around between...
Went for a ride in the snow today. I LOVE the TC.
Tried only filling the tank 1/3 of the way.
Cap still leaked.
Then I lost it somewhere.
Then I ran out of gas....
On the plus side, now I have no excuse not to order a new cap.
I didn't replace springs....I just backed off the zip-tie and let the governor work and accepted slower speeds. For my purposes I don't need speed. I was just curious what the engine could do.
The take away is that even with a stock carb, just increasing the RPM alone is enough to get this...
I got it with just a zip tie on the throttle linkage and stock carb. Same symptoms. Backfiring when coming off throttle and dancing flame around the muffler. And that was with the zip tie not even fully tightened, just a moderate RPM boost. I'm not at all surprised with a full governor delete he...
Well I got the brake working again.
As suggested, it was a misalignment between the brake shoe holder/cover, and the wheel. Turns out that is a super sensitive adjustment.
I figured it out by setting the brake without the cover bolted to the frame, and was easily able to get it to the point...
And again, thank you guys. I've been a little burned out on my bike this year, mostly because it wasn't being super useful for the things I needed it for most. I can tell with the TC on it I'm going to be using it a lot more so now I'm inspired to fix the other annoyances on it.
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