Search results

  1. L

    L.A Drag Spot.

    oh kay
  2. L

    L.A Drag Spot.

    how much a frame like that run? do he have a shop i can go to ?
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    youtube videos

    now thats whats up
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    Anybody collect slot cars?

    i sued to build 1:24th scale slot cars, used to race em at buena park raceway a few years back.havent been there in a wile.last time i went i spent more time tryin to get the staging lights to work.more than i did racing. now they just sit in the garage in my slot car box.
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    Comment by 'L.B.ange.' in media 'SSPX0701'

    who made that frame ? how much would something liek that run?
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    Long Beach Swap Pics

    Always a good swapmeet
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    gas tank

    JOES MINI BIKES in los angeles their simular to the one in the pic i seen in the photo gallery and their 20 bucks, metal and come in primer with a shut off knob. heres the number 323 299 0690
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    finally got my spacer

    nothing wrong with being in the 200 club. :thumbsup:
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    painting a minibike?

    well if u already have a air compressor , you can buy the fallowing. 1 harbor frieght gun $15 2 alsa base coat 8oz-$10 each 2 part top clear and hardner decent brand $36 plus the reducers and sand paper your lookin at a eazy 90 if u wanna do it your self i flaked a few skate...
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    who wants a free fuel filter? it's pretty!

    wish i would of been home and seen this earlier
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    finally got my spacer

    hell yeah looks great strigoi. i got a big rear tire on my mini bike as well, i love the look of a fat tire on a mini bike. its just about their,just got to get a few bugs outta it,i know either the sprocket is off or the rim, cause i get a lil wobble when i spin the tire. last thing i want...
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    another bump in the road DAMM !

    yeah that sounds like a plan ogy
  13. L

    Comment by 'L.B.ange.' in media 'DSCN7940'

    real nice
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    another bump in the road DAMM !

    :censure: so i went last week to a local mini bike shop in L.A that a few people recommended,i ended up goin with a bigger rear tire and a taller sprocket. well today i finaly got some spare time and my wife got home early and was able to watch the kid before he fell asleep, ne ways i put...
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    I want a frame like this!!

    u ever take that bike to mansville? looks familiar
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    I want a frame like this!!

    well here goes a stretched mini bike frame n forks ready for drag, its stretche d3 inches i beleive. i'm running a frame thats real simular to this 1 hope this helps custom stretched mini bike frame
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    how old are you?

    i'm 28 married with a son thats 20 monthes old. i enjoy many hobbies and now that i have a son i have a good excuse to buy toys and plan for my kid.
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    bad chain

    damm thats not bad i payed 15 bucks for about 3 and a half fet of chain from a mower shop. wish i would of waited and did some research. i don't think the chain i have will hold up very long. thanks for the good info i will look into a rlv chain
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    Doin 60-70mph what do i need

    that would be nuts any1 run disc brakes on their mini ? or know any sites were i can find a set up?
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    REAR DISC BRAKES on a mini

    does any1 on here run rear disc brakes on a mini bike? i'm lookin at investing is some for my mini, i don't know any places or where to go to find some, i know i would have to have some welding done at least to mount it.i already checke dout the motorcycle swap and i didn't see nothing...