Good afternoon,
Just reaching out for some help for some probably self-inflicted problems. I have a stock predator 212 bike and stupidly leaned it against something unstable. It fell completely over on the air filter side and was there for probably 30 minutes and a ton of oil ran out the carb...
Thanks for the replies! I might look for a taller rear tire then and a 9 tooth for the TAV and see if that makes a difference! If I am still getting low speeds I may switch back to the centrifugal clutch and keep the TAV for a Coleman.
Predator 212 Stock w/ straight pipe and performance filter
420 chain with 54 tooth rear sprocket
This TAV
I recently added the TAV and my top speed went way down. Is this due to gearing? Do I need to go down in rear sprocket tooth count? I chatted with someone at OldMiniBikes and they have a...
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