I have a Baja Warrior 200 that is in very good condition for sale. The bike needs nothing and has a lot of mods on it. It has a torque converter(with a brand new spare belt), K&N style filter with rejetted carb and a Hot Rod Mini Bikes header. I put some real Harley pegs on it too which makes it...
My MB200 with just a header/filter/rejet combo was clocked at 42mph(iphone speedo app) after I put a tav on it. And it still has the governor on it too.
I finally found out what it is. It's an old Sears bike with a Harley tank and seat on it. Sounds like you were all right about the hodge podge of parts. Thanks
If you're not worried about cost than this is supposed to be the easiest one to bolt on. It's made specifically for the Baja's
Baja Heat 6.5 MB200 / Warrior Mini Bike TC2 Torque Converter Kit
You can use any of the cheap aluminum back plate Chinese knock offs for sale out there. You will just have to slot the holes on the back plate, remove the heat shield and knock back the chain guard bracket a little bit. Order the 3/4" with the 10 tooth sprocket for the #41 chain. Or if you want...
Gotta love Google!
Here's the link http://chinafenjin.en.made-in-china.com/product/hbcJTxqYbXVw/China-Go-Kart-Torque-Converter-CVT-Clutch-TAV2-.html
And here's the actual company's site http://www.chinafenjin.com/en/index.asp
That's just the tensioner humming on the jack shaft chain. My MB200 sounded like that too. It's normal but very annoying. The jack shaft chain is very tight when they are new.
Everyone keeps saying that. I bet 90% of them have never had any experience with the copies. And I bet 90% of them would run a "clone" as opposed to a real Honda motor to save some money. I have to say I haven't had any experience with a real Comet one but all I can say is the "copy" I own works...
They are trying to fool some people by putting that in the listing. But if you look close they do say that they are "comet style" or "comet replacements". They're definitely Chinese copies
From what I can tell they are all the same Chinese copy ones(probably all from the same main company). I don't think any are better than the other as far as the copies go. I have a copy from bullet lines and it looks identical to all the other ones out there.
Still looking for a cover if anyone has a lead on who makes one or can make one I greatly appreciate it. I even had a talk with hotrodminibikes and he said they don't have an example in their shop to use as a template to try and make one
Here's a couple shots of mine. It's got Harley pegs, a hotrodminibike pipe, OldMiniBikes warehouse filter and adapter, Bullet Lines torque converter, a re jetted carb and a AR3910X plug. It'll stand up when you whack the throttle from a stop. Too much fun
I've got one of the Chinese ones from Bullet Lines on my MB200. So far it has worked perfect with no issues. It'll pop wheelies without even having to pull up on the bars with nothing other than the typical pipe, filter and rejet mods.
The header wrap is for sure the easiest but I just don't like the look of it. I like the look of the bare pipe so much I'm spraying it with a clear high heat paint. I just want to try and fit something over the front portion of the pipe where my leg might hit getting on or off.
I would love to see some pics of your homemade heat shields. I have an MB200 that I just put a hotrodminibike pipe on and am thinking of making a heat shield for it. Lets see some ideas
I have a 2011 MB200 Baja and went to install a high flow filter and rejet my carb today. When I went to remove the bowl to swap out the jets I notice that the bowl appears to be riveted on. Has anyone ever seen this before? My other Mini Baja has a normal bolt holding the bowl on. Is there any...
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