This is correct. 70 is when they went to double digit year...As you know, 69' was gold, 70', 71',72' were Candy Apple Red.. 72 also being the year they went over to the 4 digit model designation
Great Job on the Center Stars... By the Looks of the Tire sizes, Going on a Slingshot, Eliminator, Dominator... Since that post I have found a few more Cats and have a bunch of sets of Bars. Doing 4 Cats at once gets a little hectic.. Gotta send everything out for Chrome and color.. Clutch...
Truthfully wasnt trying to jump in on his post.. But thanks for the heads up. It was really an honest question.. Plus I have a half dozen double Indian Head Carlisle tires. All 6".. I need the rear 14" tall for an Elinimator resto and dont have a 5.30 x 4.50 x 6 to reference.. Wasnt trying to...
Have this exact bike in our collection.. It stalls after start up any ideas ?? Runs out of fuel. Went through it, Cleaned it out still same thing, as its stalling, I hit the bowl drain button and no fuel is coming out.. Sit for a second and can get it to start.. but only for a second..ever...
You still have it ?? Fixing her up ?? With the smaller frame, Looks like a 300.. And with the mags and disc brake, Could be an SS.. I was only aware of the 350SS..
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