Search results

  1. Plunder

    Tass 928's Open class "Doodlebus"

    Looks Great !! a huge improvement from the checkers... I hate to say it but the best place for "DoodleBus" is the seat (on either side), so is the seat material paintable? Like with either white or yellow fabric paint? Also, there is sooo much room for stop signs and flashing lights or...
  2. Plunder

    Tass 928's Open class "Doodlebus"

    I gotta agree, the white is a little much. I always thought that yellow and black checkers were more appealing visually, but that's a taxi thing... I really hate adding more work for ya but, I'd redo the fenders. I think you'll be happier too, if you do. I found these two pics just by...
  3. Plunder


    You can gear it so the take off isn't so fast with that jack shaft, also limit the speed with the throttle linkage screw stop. Nice job though... looks really good. Are ya going to add graphics? You can get the original stickers from motovox, if you like the flames.
  4. Plunder

    Predator 212 - Cam Replacement

    Hmmm, billet flywheel - ck, billet rod - ck, heavy springs - ck, it's lighter and it's gonna snap, but you're not telling us everything....
  5. Plunder

    manual clutch for horizontal shaft engine

    I guess I'm the first entry here in 2014. Does anyone know what happened to Danny Downs?, and why can't load on my home computer??? :confused: :shrug:
  6. Plunder

    My first mini bike project!

    "Anybody know of a 3/4" clutch that will hold 75hp?" If you're still looking for a clutch, check out downsbrosracing manual clutch. Message Danny Downs and ask him when the 3/4 will be available. I can't get the web page on my laptop (unknown reason) but I can on my smartphone, and I...
  7. Plunder

    Tass 928's Open class "Doodlebus"

    I was kinda hoping on some wild exhaust header connecting all four engines, but that might make chain adjustments difficult, unless you use chain tensioners. Anyway, it would look really cool so I mentioned it. Also maybe some doodlebus grafics and/or doodlebling (?) I just have one...
  8. Plunder

    newely built predator 212cc oil on top of piston

    first part of break in drained oil in a shimmy metal look with tiny pieces of metal is this normal to? Yes, this is normal. The "new" engine parts need to "mate" with each other. I believe weisco warns to either use a fresh never run engine or re-hone, if you followed install instructs...
  9. Plunder


    You need to put this on a dyno for us...plz:thumbsup:
  10. Plunder


    Nice to see someone working with a MBX10, not to mention some very expensive engine parts. Did you get push-rods too?, thinner head gasket? Good luck with your build, I'll be checkin in to see your progress....
  11. Plunder

    manual clutch for horizontal shaft engine

    I saw your other vids on your YouTube channel, my best guess is your doing +45 closer to 50mph. After you're all tuned up, I'm sure it'll do much better than that. Whatever you did to that predator it sounds great - like it's got a lot more guts than mine, so it's probably faster. Check...
  12. Plunder

    Upgrading My Predator 212

    Narrow Frame Pipe w/ Screw on Muffler Honda Clone 6899 Angled Air Filter 6926 Air Filter Adapter Clone/GX200 DJ-1345 BSP Carb Stud DJ-1251 BSP/Clone GX140 "E" Tube Go with the .035 or .036 BSP/Clone drilled main jet Can't seem to find the .022 Pilot Jet I was going to recommend, but...
  13. Plunder

    Predator 212 Oil Splatter Issue

    If it's still in "stock" condition, Take it back...
  14. Plunder

    Stage 2 on a Predator 212cc

    I too am not real sure what you mean by stage 2, different stores sell different kits and call it a "stage 2". These "kits" usually include stuff you don't need and won't use. I'd make up my own version of stage 1 and stage 2. If I were defining these stages I'd call "stage 1" just basic...
  15. Plunder

    Extremely hard starting predator

    Yes, but There are a lot of things that "could" cause sputter. I was puzzled by a B&S lawnmower that would rev, quit, rev, quit etc. while cutting grass, but was fine while idling. No adjustments on this 2.5hp carb. Turns out the diaphragm that sucks gas from the tank was bad. Replacing...
  16. Plunder

    Stage 2 on a Predator 212cc

    Chum !! I'm not your "chum", Newoldstock. Really, mix and match, drill a few extra holes..a wonderful experience...The Man Wants A Carb That Works. Don't think for a split second that you're going to bully me out of a solid piece of advise. Looks to me like someone doesn't play well with...
  17. Plunder

    Extremely hard starting predator

    Every engine is a little different, but I don't think the .9mm(.036) main and 140 e-tube are what's causing the problem. Everyone I've ever heard talk about it says "this IS the fix". I gotta agree.... So, what air filter and adapter are you using? What exhaust header?
  18. Plunder

    Stage 2 on a Predator 212cc

    The stock Ruxing w/ /.035 main, .022 pilot and 140 emulsion tube cost me $30.00, the "race ready" Ruxing is $28.00. :shrug:
  19. Plunder

    Stage 2 on a Predator 212cc

    I like Ruxing because they are cheep and easy to tune. I have the stock w/ .035 main jet recommended for a warm sunny days (.036 = 9mm), a 140 e-tube and I threw in a .022 pilot jet too. I've had no problems w/ this set-up. Next time I'll try the race ready .615 bore, costs a lot more than...
  20. Plunder

    Extremely hard starting predator

    I have almost the same set-up, but I have a .035 main jet. Did you set the coil gap after you installed the billet flywheel? Should be .030 My other thought is the tightening procedures/specs for the cover bolts. If not, this could be binding up your crank/bearings...