Buddy just bought one, he's 6, 4" tall about 280lb, Ex motocross Canadian champ, He loves it like crazy!!... wont stop talking about it! Does look like fun!:thumbsup:
your welder sucks...not you, I use many different welders and there is a huge difference from one to another.... even what comes out of the outlet matters :thumbsup:
Can someone enlighten me on this (KKK?).....looks really cool and just around the corner
6.5HP Go-Kart -vintage chassis-simple design-good for beginners- | other | Markham / York Region | Kijiji
Very cool ! , Like Dave says.. big bucks to restore IF you can find anything for it,!!
That's actually an MB1A four stroke frame, They seem to have sold many in southern Ontario here.
I would go with the KD100 and get an original tank and build a seat using the upholstery you can get from...
Thanks!! I think ive seen them both ways also but not 100% sure, It was a bet with my friend...I said they were "through" no baffles. I need 3 of em for silencers on my Kawasaki two stroke bike.
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