Search results

  1. justo


    Mr. S ??
  2. justo

    Acorn table

    Looking for any type of tooling for a acorn table, please PM.
  3. justo

    Picked up a ST90 today

    the only thing missing is QA50.....
  4. justo

    mickey bike frame

    do you already have everything else ?
  5. justo

    Meyers Lynx

    that and a mickey bike also surfaced this weekend down here...
  6. justo

    Meyers Lynx

    what was the posted asking price?
  7. justo

    Meyers Lynx

    link ??
  8. justo

    Mini Bike Frames & More For Sale

    tomas---thanks again JUSTIN
  9. justo

    board track racer minibike

    Sent another pm
  10. justo

    board track racer minibike

    Pm sent
  11. justo

    Gas Tank Invasion Part 3 *PICTURE HEAVY*

    tanks-a-lot pay-pal sent
  12. justo

    Gas Tank Invasion Part 3 *PICTURE HEAVY*

    tanks a lot pm sent
  13. justo

    Powell Bro Serial Numbers List

    powell # 4944 e
  14. justo

    Powell Bro Serial Numbers List

    powell 4944 e
  15. justo

    savage in hemet ca

    savage in hemet ca-inland empire craigs.....
  16. justo

    Taco 22 frame Serial #666

    pm sent
  17. justo

    Savage Minibike

    I was wondering when the savage was going to blip on the OldMiniBikes radar....
  18. justo

    Swapmeet Treasures Again.....

    Which ones are you talking about ?
  19. justo

    Swapmeet Treasures Again.....

    MAC- If those M/T mags are for sale i could really use them on my AGGIE bike.....Justin