That notch in the frame on the right side was for the exhaust output on certain models that had a canister muffler that bolted to the rear fender and outputted through a flexible tube that went through that notch.
I'll take the bronc out and snap a few pics for you if i remember.
If you still need any pics of the original Bronc TC, i can go out and take some for ya. I Don't have my rear drum brake on it at the moment, but everything else is there.
Sorry, but the best mini in the world is DEFINATELY not gonna be one from China...thats like saying the best Muscle car in the world is a Toyota Camry. (even though Toyota is Japanese)
Grab a couple of shocks and make it a springed seat! would look pretty cool on that! I say the seat should be long enough to be even with the rear axle. Shouldnt be too hard to make too!
that just stupid and childish...even if they are a store that sells cheap Chinese stuff, doesn't mean you have to shit all over them by doing that crap! that just disgusts me... have some morals! put yourself in their situation!
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