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  1. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    its a roller.
  2. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    American plating in Centralia WA. They did a really good job. They did say 2 weeks and it took a month but it is the hot rod season… So it didn't bother me to much.
  3. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    :thumbsup:1 month and $200 later I've got my chrome back! Got a great deal and it looks amazing!
  4. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Thanks I'm really pleased with the way it came out!
  5. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Starting to get some life back in it.
  6. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    It still is amazing to me what evapo-rust, steel wool and some elbow grease can do to some OLD parts!!!
  7. whitear89

    turbo diesel minibike!

    I thought this thing was pretty badass! Give me some new ideas for the next build I do...
  8. whitear89

    bonanza for winber build

    Looks like you have a great start... Can't wait to see the finished product!
  9. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    I was very happy to see the FedEx guy today!
  10. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Thanks can't wait to try some!
  11. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    BIG thanks to manchester1 for the paint recommendation!!! Still have a long ways to go but I'm liking the way its turning out...:clap:
  12. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Well I'm going to be putting some color down today. Ill have some pictures up later. Thanks i really appreciate the info, been looking for a good clear coal.:thumbsup: Ill have to pick some up this weekend.
  13. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Well if it does crack while I'm riding it there is really no problem other than looks. And like i said easy fix.:wink: Because i did not use the jb weld for structural repair. I use it to kinda smooth everything out and and give it a clean look over the actual welds. I figured it would be a lot...
  14. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Im not doubting or wasting anyone's advice. But it is my bike and I'm going to try to do what i want to it. And if it turns out that it cracks horribly Its and easy fix! Thanks for the input.
  15. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    And I spent a good amount of Ca$h on the OldMiniBikes warehouse today! Super stoke for my parts to get here...:pimp::thumbsup:
  16. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    Has primer on it!
  17. whitear89

    6"go powers bearing size?

    Thanks I really appreciate it!
  18. whitear89

    6"go powers bearing size?

    So when I did the tear down on my bike the bearings on the wheels were junk. So I chucked them in the trash and saved one so I could remember the size. Well I cant find the one I saved. So I was wondering what the size is so I could go on OldMiniBikes warehouse and buy some. Also what is the size of the...
  19. whitear89

    MY mini project

    looking pretty sweet so far! It Looks like that thing is going to haul a$$!:thumbsup:
  20. whitear89

    67 bonanza bc 1300s aka "the bruiser"

    How do I become a supporting member? Thanks I really like the look it gives the frame.