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    a couple Decent minis in upstate ny Heath and Manco

    Hi guys! Im new here! I have at least 2 minis for sale...maybe 3 70s Heath super bronc in Really nice shape! 8hp 2 passenger..Runs like new $800bo late model manco 3.5 hp like new $400bo I DO have phone pix call me and ill send em possible trades for atvs or vintage hunting equip...
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    The MiniBike Killer !

    Sweet! I remember drooling over those back in my youth! LOL!!
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    New Member Here

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    Four Wheeler Finally Done!!!!!

    Thats Cool! Somebody is gonna drive off the trail turning around to see what that is...Ive always had a thing for frankenstiens...Yours looks very pro done! Nice Job!
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    Hi From Rochester ny

    cool son and I have a manco and 2 Heath Super-Broncs... Hi Everyone! Jack
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    2nd HOBBY

    My son and I do atvs and vintage shotguns as well....Also have a manco and 2 Heath Super-Broncs