Nearly 20 Years ago I saw a folding front wheel drive minibike while surfing on Jeibovitch's Mini doodle website. I cannot find a pic of it and it's driving me nuts..
It folded out into a X shape and had a round flat seat with no padding. Very simplistic square tube frame if I remember...
I bought this almost 20 years ago. I had it sandblasted and stored it away in my shop. Im at the point I may restify it. Anyone know what it is?
I hope your tetanus shot is up to date! LOL!
A while back I saw someone do that with a kohler ohv motor one of the USA made ones before they went to Chinese clones.
The guy simply used two vbelt pullies. One to a jackshaft and one to the crank and made the belt into a figure eight. The centrifugal clutch was on the opposite side of the...
I think they should try building some old school mini bikes and resist the temptation to always stick a China engine in everything.....but that's just me.
It's a 6-7hp. You are looking at the type of the magneto on the magneto tag. That has its own tag and has nothing to do with the engine itself except for fitment. The engine itself would have had a plate over it like my Wisconsin AKN on my snapping turtle.
This is a 7hp on my snapping turtle...
First pic with Massive Wisconsin Robin. These things are super nice and weird lookin. Forged steel crank, Forged connecting rod.
Second pic. Nasty frame fitment and welding.
3rd Other side of Wisconsin Robin.
4th 9hp Briggs. This things been through hell and back. Its a runner though...
Got it tore down to bare frame.
I will say this....These frame are not as robust as I used to think they were. Pretty thin walled tubing and Horrible welds nearly everywhere and the frame tubes were welded cattywampus. I'm used to Old Minibikes and for the most part all of my ancient frames...
If the new engine is turning the same rpms at speed as the last will be going about the same speed. You just get there quicker now. You need to step down the rear sprocket diameter to start gaining higher top end speed with the same rpms.
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