Just tryin to help out everyone post a picture of your bike then its name and brand so that in the future someone may type that in and your bike will come up on search and maybe it will help them out.
Plus everyone gets to see your bikes!!!:scooter:
Alright so i am considering painting my spyder plum crazy purple.
But i am also trying to do everything origonal on it. I think it was origonally black but i am not sure anybody know the origonal colors?
Also what is special about plum crazy purple yes i know it is a cool color.
So i am wondering what are some very small mini bikes i know of thhe skat kitty and i was also at a show and a guy brought one he carried under his arm i think he called it a little petro anybody wanna help me.
i just bought an engine for the bike and i was able to get one that came origonally on a spyder. the engine is a 5 horse i cleaned the carb and it started right up. anybody know the origonal colors the spyd?ers came in?
I just bought this frame yesterday from the show at masterson supply for 200 dollars. The frame is all straight except for a little part on the forks. I am going to replace the tires and rims and do everything so it looks original on this bike including all the decals. As I continue i will...
I have a duck bird that i am painting but i dont want to spend the money on getting it powder coated since it is just going to be our off road bike. The bike is a duck bird.
My question is what brand paint should i use so it looks like it was powder coated quality wise. I am going to do a...
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