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  1. SAS289

    Will This Work Well?

    The 24mm Nibbi is just another carb option. I'm sure a lot of guys use them. There are multiple sellers on Amazon and the kits are around $65 or so. They look like nice carbs with a black color. I don't think 24mm is too big. I'd bet there are guys running 24mm Nibbi's on stock engines with a...
  2. SAS289

    I need help my bike starts but wen i pull throttle it doesnt move only revs

    Only time I had something similar was when a new rider was on my "down tuned" Coleman. For some reason he kept going on and off the throttle repeatedly at slower speeds. The driver got so hot that it would not engage. I wanted to service it but didn't bring any dry lube. After letting it cool...
  3. SAS289

    Has anyone had a tire on their mini bike pop while riding?

    I have two 2016 200U's. Since I've had them only one tire needed replaced due to a sidewall puncture from woods riding close to my house. That got a $35 Ocelot tire with the same tread pattern as the original tire. Otherwise, the stock tires look good because they don't see pavement very often...
  4. SAS289

    Has anyone had a tire on their mini bike pop while riding?

    A few weeks ago I was yard riding and the front tire went flat instantly. Turns out that one side of the tire was off the bead. Made sense because I run very low pressure and may have hit a tree root the wrong way. Was nice that it happened so close to tools. Easy fix. Bike was my Coleman CT200U...
  5. SAS289

    196cc carb help

    Yeah i had the same thing with a lot of cable slack. Best of luck with your carb tuning.
  6. SAS289

    196cc carb help

    If it doesn't run the same on or off the kickstand it should be only one or both of two things. First, if you are using gravity feed from the stock tank make sure you have enough fuel in the tank. A nearly empty tank isn't going to feed fuel as good as a half tank. Next is the float. Is the...
  7. SAS289


    Sure. But the thing I don't care for is that none of the 40 and under relatives ever offer to host Thanksgiving at their place. Same thing goes for hosting family Christmas parties.
  8. SAS289

    , Torque converter Snap Ring size

    On a Chinese 30 series that area of the jackshaft is 17mm. My guess is that the ID of the retaining ring would be 16mm. The comet part number is 204714A.
  9. SAS289

    196cc question

    Yep. ARC 6271 rod. Every 196 can use one.
  10. SAS289

    Animal in mini bike

    Are you sure it's a 40 chain sprocket? It's likely that a 420 chain would fit. Get a 9 or 10 tooth. The gearing should work ok with a 13 inch tire. 40 chain on a minibike is overkill. It's something you might want to use on a heavy go kart that has less than ample gearing.
  11. SAS289

    Stay Safe in Helene, Everybody

    Noble County just south of Caldwell. Picture is from last Thursday. Nice fall colors.
  12. SAS289

    196cc/Clone Timing key question..

    I have looked at the stock timing on two different 196's and both were 28 degrees. The only reason I checked was because others mentioned different numbers like 24 or 26 degrees. I just wanted to verify the 28 degree timing I had heard many years ago. I've never changed timing on a stock...
  13. SAS289

    Thoughts on this cam?

    Not sure about your low end. But with 6.6:1 gearing it should want to pull the front up, even with a 20" tire. I have 6.6:1 on one of my bikes and can't/shouldn't full throttle from a dead stop. I have to get it rolling first and stay choked up on the seat then hammer the throttle. With my 224 I...
  14. SAS289

    Juggernaut- driven pulley spring colors

    For my comment. The start of the belt shift. There's no need to look down at it because you can hear the RPM starting to take a hit from the start of the gearing change. The driver and driven work together. When there's less load on the driven the belt should shift earlier (stock driver) than...
  15. SAS289

    Juggernaut- driven pulley spring colors

    It may be a matter of where you get the green spring. I purposely tested all three with the stock driver doing full throttle runs just up to the belt shift. The green spring performed the worst of the three with early belts shifts around 3700 RPM. The yellow spring worked the best with belt...
  16. SAS289

    Juggernaut- driven pulley spring colors

    One thing you can do is test with the spring you have in hand. Test first with the driven spring in the tightest position, then in the least tight position. See if there is any noticeable difference. If it works best in the tightest position the next step would be the yellow spring. The green...
  17. SAS289

    Stay Safe in Helene, Everybody

    Noticed how quick it moved when I looked yesterday. Looks like it sat down on Kentucky. My niece in Dayton was without power for 12 hrs. We need the rain in Ohio. Last Saturday I did a riding trip in SE Ohio. Bikes were never so dusty.
  18. SAS289

    Is building a 196cc engine worth it? Should i use TQ or just build

    So you are thinking of getting a new bike and then buying a 212? Over the years a lot of guys have got 212's for their new Coleman bikes to make the torque converter install easier. They bought a new engine just for a 3/4" crankshaft. Then they would credit the 212 for power gains when a large...
  19. SAS289

    Mini bike questions about suspension

    This should help with your question.
  20. SAS289

    gc160 carb manifold

    Nice. How well does everything work with that gearing?