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  1. JohnnyBoy


    Hey all, is there someone on this site or elsewhere that will custom make a sticker or might have a good collection of stickers? I have a kart from the Early 80's and it was made or distributed by Action industry's in Tempe Arizona, there is a sticker that will need to be replaced when I restore...
  2. JohnnyBoy

    Drum sprocket

    This is the only pic I have right now!
  3. JohnnyBoy

    Drum sprocket

    That's what I was looking for, that item is out of stock forever as per OBM warehouse! I am going to change the jack shaft sprockets an keep the existing drum!
  4. JohnnyBoy

    Drum sprocket

    Hey all, I am looking for a 5" drum brake / 72T sprocket combo made for a Azusa 6" wheel. I called the OldMiniBikes warehouse and was told that they will not be making that part any more. is there anyone out there that can help me find one of these? If this is the wrong forum for this question I apologize!
  5. JohnnyBoy

    Raptor engine

    Thanks all, I didnt think it was a Raptor. I live on the Northwest side of the city, Harlem and Foster area. A project I am almost finished with, there will be no paint on the frame just a fast mini. A old friend of mine who is a small engine wizard in Tennessee built this engine for me and...
  6. JohnnyBoy

    Raptor engine

    hey all long time since I was in the forum. I sold a Briggs engine to a friend of mine that says the engine is a Raptor motor, how (besides a sticker that says "raptor") would we determine it is a raptor or not? A pic of the engine.
  7. JohnnyBoy

    New mini frame

  8. JohnnyBoy

    New mini frame

    hey all, it been a wile again but here goes. I purchased a new mini bike frame and wanted to get some info on it, can anyone ID this frame. This very frame may have been ID'ed already on this site but I dont have the time to check so I apologize in advance if it has.
  9. JohnnyBoy

    The finished product

    Hey all, I have been away from the OldMiniBikes thing for a wile but have been busy restoring old small engines. I had a little time between engines and used that time to finish the mini bike. I am not going to change it from its present condition, I like it just the way it is. Enjoy.
  10. JohnnyBoy

    Been busy

    That has been a good subject on a web site I go to a lot called "smokstak" for the use of small engine collectors and restorers. These engines have "to me" a value no more than 100.00. Some people have them for sale of ebay or CL for anywhere from 40.00 to 300.00 but the average price is around...
  11. JohnnyBoy

    Been busy

    Hey all, I have been having a ball the last 6 months restoring vintage Briggs engines and here is just the tip of the iceberg. YouTube - 1941 Briggs WI YouTube - 1939 Briggs WMB.m4v Also I am now working on a 1941 Briggs model A crank start that is about half finished. I also...
  12. JohnnyBoy

    Srange looking mini!

    Has anyone seen and or know what kind of mini this is? Hey all, I have not been around for a while but I have been busy and I will post a bunch of stuff to prove it.
  13. JohnnyBoy

    Pull start reinstall

    I need instruction on how to recoil the spring on the pull start housing for my 3 hp briggs.
  14. JohnnyBoy

    The heap

    What is key is how far the bung is from the end of the tank, if it is more then an inch the it will not work. O purchased a tank just like the one I have on ebay and the bung was to far from the end of the tank so it didnt fit. I had a DuVoisin build me the right sized tank form my old one and...
  15. JohnnyBoy

    The heap

    It depends on which tank are you talking about?
  16. JohnnyBoy

    The heap

    Northwest side Harlem and Foster!
  17. JohnnyBoy

    The heap

    Wow, sorry all it has been a while since my last post on OldMiniBikes. I did purchase a load of stuff from the OldMiniBikes warehouse and most of it is on the mini. I had a problem with the Carb situation in that I purchased the wrong style but I got that taken care of and now the Tecumseh runs real nice like so...
  18. JohnnyBoy

    Brake lever

    I have an old Manco Montgomery Wards mini! The forks are original to the mini and they are 1" bars!
  19. JohnnyBoy

    Brake lever

    Hey all, I purchased a brake lever that the seller assured me would fit the 1" bars on my mini but sure enough when I got it, it was a 7/8" lever that will not fit on my 1" bars, where can I get a brake lever that will fit the 1" bars?
  20. JohnnyBoy

    aggie bike is Done!

    Now that is an outstanding mini!!! Who is "Kent the man Carlson" and how do I get in touch with him to have a seat done? Does he have a web site or something like that? Once again outstanding job!