Search results

  1. gowdor

    Good use of a minibike.

    Those look like Suzuki DR350 engines on those bikes?
  2. gowdor

    Martial Arts

    yeah Gracie Jiu Jitsu it's almost the same me and my brother are part of team roc wich is under Royce Gracie, Helio Gracie's son.
  3. gowdor

    Martial Arts

    Im not sure if any of you have heard Helio Gracie he just died in 2009 he died at 97 of old age, but he did Jiu Jitsu 8 hours a day 6 days a week until he died and he was one of the only twenty red belts in the world.
  4. gowdor

    Martial Arts

    yeah i want to do MMA,tae kwando might help but i dont know how much :shrug:
  5. gowdor

    Martial Arts

    I just started Jiu Jistu and was just curious if any one else on here was in to martial arts.
  6. gowdor

    Honda xl 175

    The bike is already complete it was running than i took the carb off to clean it now its blowing fuses. Its ground every where its supposed to so i am curious if the regulater is bad? does anyone here now how to check them?:out:
  7. gowdor

    Honda xl 175

    some more
  8. 01398


  9. 009143


  10. 008172


  11. 007168


  12. 006182


  13. 005216


  14. gowdor

    Honda xl 175

    here is another.
  15. gowdor

    Honda xl 175

  16. gowdor

    Honda xl 175

    here are some pics.
  17. 1207


  18. 1183


  19. 11310


  20. 11112

