I started a new thing a few months ago where I post videos of our racing on Youtube. Here's my latest. Since I'm (usually) racing these videos are bit and pieces of the videos and picture from our spectators.
If I messed up the link, the title of the video on...
Hey everybody! Me and a few buddies are trying to get more mini bike events going in NC and have started a facebook page called the NC Minibike & Gokart Association (based out of charlotte area). Any one is welcome to join we dig bikes and karts and anything cool really. Our main goal is to have...
There are a few of us down here that are in talks with establishing a multistate race series.
Races at various tracks in Al., La, Ms,,and Texas.
Races at host tracks for points and a finale at the end of the season.
So, any interest ? Thoughts?
This is a fun game that we had on my Ranger forum... basically, someone starts with a word, and you post the word that comes to mind... i'll start it off with an obvious one...
Short story,'
Home Page
Web site is still under construction for two weeks!
Launched this morning and franchises available to quailified individuals.
Special thanks to Hent!
curtis scott
owner operator
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