
  1. B

    Wanted: Stellar Black Beauty decals

    Stellar Black Beauty decals for the fork plate. Also need original seat. Anyone have any photos of a Black Beauty that I can use for reference? Looking for clean photo of fork plate logo. And seat reference would be great! Thank you all.
  2. kruger

    black mamba jr trade

    I have a black mamba Jr that is like new, only used for 30minutes. I'm interested in the black mamba Sr or another high lift high rpm cam .even trade each pay their own shipping.
  3. JohnnyTillotson

    Stellar Black Beauty

    I picked up 3rd Black Beauty yesterday and I had thought the seller was mistaken when he said there was a LIMTCO wheel on it . Having returned home I wiped it down a bit and sure enough it says it right on there. Has anyone ever seen LIMTCO wheel like this before? I honestly didn't care because...
  4. T

    49cc Vinyl decal recoil circle Black with Bright Red

    Fits GX clone recoils,might fit other but measure. This is 2 7/16" or 62mm ROUND. So I have new Red background and Black letters/numbers. Also 2 different fonts available. Just say LEFT or RIGHT in pm. $7 Shipped from CT
  5. Danny01

    black mamba cam

    when installing the black mamba cam do I need to get new valve springs right away, or can I wait a little while before I get them? will the engine run correctly without them?
  6. tundrabeagle3

    what clutch for the black mamba?

    I have a predator 212 with a black mamba and am looking for a clutch that is better suited for the motor. The motor is very fast on the top end but seems to have less low end torque than my predator that had a flat top , pipe and intake. Right now I have the max torque clutch with the 3300...
  7. M

    Black momba Jr. with 1.3 rockers?

    Hi guys I'm new to this forum and if someone could help me out that would be great, I have a gx200 clone and I'm ready to install a bmj cam, and want to know if I can run 1.3 stamped rocker with 26lb springs with out any problems? Or could I run it with stock rockers and 18lds springs? I would...
  8. jeep4me

    Jeep4me's Black Friday Parts Sale

    Went thru a better portion of my spare parts and have decided to have a Black Friday sale. I'll list as many of the main parts and prices as I can, but if you see something in the pictures that isn't priced let me know and I'll price it for you. I'll start with prices on the table..... Brake...
  9. capguncowboy

    Black Side fill plastic tank

    A little dirty and nicked up, but solid. Includes lower bracket (not pictured). $20 plus shipping (OBO) from 37618
  10. IJG

    Red Doodlebug DB30S Front end & Black Fender

    Front End is (Not) perfectly straight, please Make offers.

    Tecumseh throttle assemble. black repo ver.

    Looking for throttle assemble for a tec. Motor. I'm looking for the one that was repo years back by a member. If someone is holding onto one I'm will to pay. There was one awhile back. But just got motor. Please let me know.
  12. massacre

    7/8" Grips in Black?

    Hello, I am looking to cover the foot pegs on my ARCO, they are 7/8". I was going to buy the black Hunter Wilde style grips like this, and trim them to length. Problem is, OldMiniBikes Warehouse only seems to carry 3/4" or 1" sizes in black, I am...
  13. zeeman

    Sears Roper Black engine color?

    I need advice on what black paint would have come on my Sears Roper. It is black. Should it be a gloss, or semi-gloss color? Thanks guys. I have searched threads with no success.
  14. D

    Dyno numbers on black mamba cams?

    I was wanting to know some real dyno numbers with engines running black mamba cams. I'm needing to know how much I need my clutch to stall. I'd like to at least hear what rpm peak torque was at. I'm running a black mamba cam in a predator with a 18cc Honda head milled .050, SS valves, ported...
  15. doodlebug6.5

    Black Mamba Jr cam idle?

    Can you tell a difference in idle and sound with this cam just curious thanks
  16. JohnnyTillotson

    Stellar Black Beauty in NY

    Ok which one of you mugs is selling this? Cuz I haz questions for you.. Like how you get the gas tank like that? Looks like the bracket is mounted on the seat mount. Genius! I just don't think a tank fits between the bars like that on either my BB's... Stellar Black Beauty
  17. doodlebug6.5

    Black Mamba Jr cam?

    Is this a good cam for torque and mid range power? Also should I upgrade to different carb? Does it sound good? Just curious because I am wanting to buy one seem like a lot of people like these cams. Thanks
  18. R

    Need ID on Black Mini Bike

    Saw this a while back on Craigs List trying to identify the Mystery Black Bike
  19. chrisr

    Black frame mini - what is it?

  20. jbrewton

    Want to buy black smith stuff

    Looking to do some of my own ranching type elementary fab work around the place. Anyone have any old accessories they no longer need? One of my anvil's has a 3/4" hardie square hole, will check the larger anvil for size when I get close to it. I'm by far not an expert so I may not even...