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    This Sunday April 23rd. L.I. Mini bike show and swap meet. Farmingdale NY

    THIS SUNDAY!! April 23rd L.I. Mini bike show and swap meet.[/B][/B] 9a.m. to 3p.m. BUY - SELL - SWAP - Hang Out Buy and Sell Vintage mini bikes, go kart, trikes and parts. Come and see some really awesome Local mini bikes and a few from the West Coast. OldMiniBikes's Master builder Dan E Boy's...
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    L.I. Mini Bike Show and Swap Meet. Sunday October 23rd. Farmingdale NY

    L.I. MINI BIKE SHOW and SWAP MEET. Sunday October 23rd. Farmingdale NY from 9 a.m to 2 p.m.. Come on down and show your mini bikes, sell your mini bikes, swap, buy and sell parts, browse or just BS with other mini bike enthusiasts from the Tri State area. Free Event! Plenty of room for...
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    SUNDAY Sept 18 L.I. Mini Bike Show and Swap Meet in Farmingdale NY

    SUNDAY Sept 18 L.I. Mini Bike Show and Swap Meet in Farmingdale. From 9a.m. to 2p.m.. Come on down and show your mini bike, sell some parts or just come down and hang out with other mini bike enthusiasts!! Spread the word! Plenty of room to show and sell you mini bikes and parts! Corner of...
  4. B

    Long Island Mini Bike show and Swap Meet...Saturday 8/20 in Farmingdale NY

    I want to Thank everyone who showed up. Hoping next month's show will be bigger and better. Next show will be held on August 20th 2016 at the corner of Baiting Place Rd and Verdi Street in Farmingdale. From 9am to 3pm. Use 70 Baiting Place Rd Farmingdale NY 11735. People had trikes, bikes, mini...
  5. Gustavo

    Dirt Bike And Mini Bike In Farmingdale New York

    Nice Rupp Tank On The Suzuki :thumbsup: Unknown Make And Model Mini Dirt Bike For Parts/repairs | Property Room Suzuki 2 Stroke Dirt Bike | Property Room