
  1. Cheech

    Sunday Garage sale find

    Friends Anyone want to take a shot on this one???? Thanks Cheech
  2. Timbo62

    New to OldMiniBikes, Barn Find VT-1012

    My 94 year old neighbor sold me his old hunting bike. He is the original owner and stopped riding it in the mid 90's due to hip replacement surgery. It was stored in an old metal shed for the last 20 years or so. I had no idea what it was until did some research on this forum. (Thank You OldMiniBikes!)...
  3. G

    Honda Z50 Barn Find

    Hi. Brand new to the forum. First post. So this is actually a garage find. A friend of mine has had his Honda Z50 sitting in a garage for over 30 years. His dad sold the house so he had to move it. I had him bring it over to my house. Want to get it up and running. It is in...
  4. Tom S.

    Today's Craigslist Find

    Brought these little guys home tonight. Two 1980 Honda C70s. The VINs are a few hundred units apart, but the license plates are sequential. They're just really nice bikes. The front basket has been taken off of one, but I have it. Neither one appears to have ever been dropped. Each has its...
  5. Peekster

    VT 7 Barn Find

    Picked up a vt 7 Fresh from the barn.
  6. bubba297

    Hard to find part numbers??

    Hey all, I posted a Tecumseh shortblock on the parts page. As I stated there I have picked up about 5 big boxes of older NOS Briggs parts, with a few Tecumseh parts. There are all kinds of parts from carb kits, mufflers, point armatures, screws, rings, etc. Also a ton of different head and...
  7. 65ShelbyClone

    Where to find used Yanmar diesel clones?

    I have been looking around online for a Yanmar L-100 diesel engine clone, aka a Chinese "186F" or similar and I'm surprised at how hard they are to find. New ones aren't that plentiful, either, and I think real Yanmars may actually be easier to source. I can get clones new for $200/
  8. Dragbikemini

    my latest find

    Toro snow blower. Clone 160. this is the most interesting scrap find yet. It's brand new but locked up. will be tearing into and selling off stuff. Know where to find me.
  9. minibikin'

    Heald Trail Bronc barn find

    Picked this up for my dad last night. Very glad to see him get such a cool original survivor. Hopefully he will be cruising Windber on it. Has a lighted hs40 on it with good spark.
  10. jeep4me

    Barn Find Bonanza

    Super Nice, but over priced....$1000 He's only 15 minutes from me too. Bonanza mini bike barn find
  11. J

    Barn find cat 400x

    I happend to stumble upon this today after pickin up a doodlebug for my nephew to learn on the guy was dead set on gettin $400 for it but after some back and fourth and his wife telln him to take the money we settled on $250 so im wondering did I do ok? and other than the clutch cover seat and...
  12. jbrewton

    You guys might find this interesting?

    I'm also into ATVing and surf the forums. Check out this machine or mostly the background story. This guy rebuilt a Polaris and goes out in the deep forest of Russia to search for fallen soldiers from WWII and give them a proper burial. My wife is Russian and the weather and terrain in most of...
  13. A

    Happy to find OldMiniBikes

    Hello, Im the new guy. Ive been waiting a long time to start the restoration of my 68 Taco 99. Im in Camarillo Ca and looking for places to buy parts. Any Ideas.... Talk soon....
  14. Mean Dean

    Ruttman Spyder Barn Find

    I just picked this up. All original Ruttman Short Frame Spyder. This is an all Original 1 owner that sat since around 1974' It is a very early 1970 . 4 H.P. Flag engine. It has the rare aluminum half sprocket. said they hardly rode. Original Plum Crazy paint. The original 1" pleated padded...
  15. jeep4me

    Fresh Scrapyard Find

    Picked this MTD frame up at the scrapyard yesterday on my way home from work. Pretty much the only good things on it are the shocks, seat pan and rear wheel/brake assembly. But for $6.36 I'm not complaining. My good buddy, Countstevula, just picked up a MTD frame and he needs these parts. So I...

    Awesome barn find '27 Pontiac in Portland OR

    Pontiac : Other - Rip Van Winkle Barn Find! in Pontiac | eBay Motors This thing would look great sitting next to my '37 Pontiac. Too bad I'm not rich.
  17. K

    Can't find this anywhere! Help

    Need help in finding out who made a mini bike with snow track. I have looked everywhere on the internet and can't find it. It has the frame of a mini bike with a wheel on the front and a ski that mounts under it for snow. The back is long and has a luggage rack behind the seat that is tall as...
  18. L

    Where can I find a Harbor Freight coupon?

    After being on this forum for a few days now, I think I'm hooked. I hear you all talking about the Harbor Freight 6.5hp engines for $99. I see that they are actually closer to $170. I've heard a few of you mention a $99 coupon. Are these still out there and where can I find one? Thanks, Bob
  19. M

    Rare Tecumseh 3.5 find

    Hey everyone, just picked this up a couple days ago.. Besides my minibike addiction, I've been collecting & dealing with Tecumseh small blocks for quite a few years now... I have to say, I've never seen one of these in this size.. It's a new old stock, never been run 3.5HP small block...
  20. JoshM

    Craigslist find

    Wondering if some of you guys could help me determine the make/model of this bike. At the price, I'd be a fool not to pick it up. But I'd still like to know a little about it.