
  1. Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie
  2. Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie
  3. Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie

    Heath kit boonie
  4. Wheel Gun

    Heath Kit Boonie Bike

    This bike build is what led me to finding this forum. While in search of parts this fine group of like minded enthusiasts kept coming up on my searches. I've made a couple of posts however I'd like to officially say hello to all of you fine folks and invite you to watch the progress of...
  5. topcat

    Heath boonie 2speed shifter assembled

    On Heath boonies !... How is the two speed shifter assembled to work ?...
  6. topcat

    Supper Bronc seat and Heath

    Looking for Supper Bronc and Heath minibike seats with the company stamp on the back of seat good shape original seats or new prefabricated seats !.... If any leads please pm a guy. ..thanks:hammer:
  7. Toominibikes

    Heath Kit Boonie Bike

    Nice original bike needs tube in front tire and fuel system service. I have not ridden for about 5 years. 800.00
  8. xr7gt

    Heath kit front wheel

    Looking for a front wheel. I am not as versed in heath kit bikes looks like a boonie bike to me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. xr7gt

    Heath kit Boonie bike roller

    Nice straight frame. Have 2 speed jackshaft parts including switch and clutch original Goodyear tires. Fenders look great. $300 plus shipping. Text 951-751-7232
  10. E

    Heath Hilltopper - Kansas City Craigslist

    Heath Hilltopper Mini Bike http://images.craigslist.org/00z0z_ezDqFxdhv11_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/00I0I_1yQx8SPG0yT_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/01313_aXjiaYeR460_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/00q0q_kFPTVqpFcoP_600x450.jpg...
  11. heath_kit_boonie_seat4


  12. heath_kit_boonie_seat3


  13. repop seat

    repop seat

  14. repop seat

    repop seat

  15. repop seat

    repop seat

  16. D

    Heath Kit Boonie

    Boone Bike. New non hemi predator. New tav2 clone. New hand controls. Original seat, fenders, tires and chassis. Seat has the original paper tag on the flipside. Seat is nice except for a small tear in the pleat. Engine plate was modified for the tav and clone. This is a rider. The chassis was...
  17. hemigremmy

    Here is a Heath kit Boonie for sale on FB

    This is the guys name and the group it's listed under on FB Walter Cross - ‎Blue Water Minis Heath kit (boonie) Honda gx 340 needs rings no compression 300$ obo https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10440716_778558818833136_6580859158418544011_n.jpg
  18. dreammedia

    Help valuing this Heath Super Bronc

    This is a survivor I have found. I am trying to pay a fair price, but just don't have the experience. Opinions?
  19. Heathkit


    Still have this beast of a mini bike:) Bought this off my local CL
  20. Sixpac440

    Heath kit boonie blue

    Authentic Vintage Heath Kit Boonie Mini Bike Original 6hp Classic Rupp Dirtbike | eBay