
  1. Briggster

    LSRU 2016, Who's going

    I haven't seen any posts on the LSRU April 8-9th in Austin Texas. I know half of Texas shows up... They had over 80 bikes show up during the two days.
  2. fletchman77

    2012 LSRU minibike races. Austin TX

    Fri April 13th and Sat April 14th 2012 Travis County Expo Center. 7311 Decker Lane. Austin, TX Starts around 12:30 both days. LSRU 2012 Mini-Bike Races - RULES POST! - THE H.A.M.B. LSRU 2012 Mini-Bike Races...? - THE H.A.M.B. The 11th Annual Lonestar Rod & Kustom Round Up -...