
  1. J

    Foam pieces in powder coating gun?

    Since there are no stupid questions (only stupid people, haha), here we go! I bought a little Craftsman powder coater to play with (it was only $35) and in the powder canister, there is what looks to be 2 small pieces of orange foam (look like ear plugs, but one is longer than the other). Is...
  2. bullhead

    Does anyone DIY powder coating

    I'm thinking about doing my own powder coating. There is no shop in town. And now paint has gone through the roof. In price.:hammer: Powder Coating Equipment - Powder Coat Paint Colors - Powdercoating Gun Bullhead
  3. AClonedMinibike

    Powder Coating Mini Bike Rims

    Hey Guys I want to powder coat my minibike rims. Do you guys think it would look good with a the main rim gloss black and the lip red :shrug: Any suggestions? Also, I live in New York anyone hear of AMS Powder Coating or Action Powder Coating? How are they? Also, I heard that sand blasting is no...
  4. waltsuz

    Powder coating basic questions

    I know from reading posts there are a few guys here with a lot of powder coating experience. I got a few questions if someone may offer some answers please. How much metal prep should I do? Does it need to be like primer ready or does the coater do this? What should I expect to pay for a...
  5. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  6. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  7. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  8. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  9. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  10. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  11. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  12. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  13. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  14. Powder Coat

    Powder Coat

    Parts back from powder coat.
  15. Custom Manco Gokart Build

    Custom Manco Gokart Build

    Dropping off on Sat, says it will be ready to pick up next Sat.
  16. Custom Manco Gokart Build

    Custom Manco Gokart Build

    Got three estimates for the frame, rims and engine shroud. Great deal from Westside powder coating in Houston @ Getpowder.com
  17. D

    Project KV

    Hey, i've been browsing the forum for a little while now and love what I see and what people are sharing so I figured I would do the same. It all started over 25 years ago when I got my very first minibike. I was only 4 years of age at the time when my old man brought home a 1976 Kawasaki KV75...
  18. Clayon

    Powder Coating, What do you pay?

    Soon I will be getting a '72 Moto Skeeter 650, and I really want to do this bike right, so I am going to be phoning a few local powder coating shops and taking quotes on what it will cost to get the frame, tank, fenders, engine shroud, clutch covers, etc powder coated. I was just wondering what...
  19. A

    Powder coating problem...Advice needed

    I just got my Skat Kitty back from the powder coater. Everything looks great, even the parts that he chrome powder coated. Problem is the frame. There are little pin holes all over it. He said because of impurities in the cast aluminum. When he bakes it the impurities pop out. You can see...
  20. 19honda69

    Powder coating sprocket

    My sprocket on my bonanza is painted.I am getting some things together to powder coat and was wondering if doing the main sprocket has any issues with the brake.Should they even be pained.It looks like they come zinc plated new.