
  1. Frank Davis

    Bug Go Kart back from upolstery shop

    This is one of my current projects that I just picked up from my seat design, his work....I like it!.....The kart model has been called a Bug "Lil Red Bug" (around 1961-62), but I can't find another exactly like step, McCulloch MC6 engine.
  2. KustomKartKid

    TECUMSEH / LAUSON Master Shop Manual Mini Bikes Karts

    Up for sale is my personal Lauson/Tecumseh master shop manual. A lot of these manuals only have information pertaining to the industrial engines. This one has all that PLUS the information for Mini-Bike and Go-Kart specific engines. H25, H30, H35-H50, HS40, slanted motors, Snow blowers...
  3. markus

    chop shop project

    I have been wanting to chop a bike up for some time now. The bike I actually want to do it to though is a hard to find frame and once I start to plan something I overthink it and stuff never gets done (the build thread section is filled with my unfinished projects....this may just become...
  4. Newoldstock

    Finding a machine shop

    Week two of a search now. Can't seem to find anyone interested in welding and seat work. Today I got a name of a fellow that did work for me 20 years ago. He's still around and doing his own thing. So I am going to try on one more kick at the can. (Life aint been the same since my last...
  5. jeep4me

    My shop is on LOCK DOWN!

    Got to work this morning and all the doors were locked. Not too unusual. Once I got inside, I learned that we were on lockdown. Apparently, one of my coworkers quit the night before. And on his way out he said he was going to "burn this place down and shoot anybody that tries to put it out!"...
  6. W

    UK site with Honda Shop Manuals

    Not sure if I'm allowed to post it, but there is a UK Site with all the Honda shop manuals. MODS if I'm not allowed to post just delete. Also has Diagrams and Quick Sheets on Procedures
  7. Clayon

    Anybody got a machine shop at home?

    Like the title says, do any of you have a machine shop set up in your home shop? Do you have a mill, lathe, etc. ? Are there any tips? good brands of lathes and mills to look for? Any info would be great. I'm currently taking my 1st year of a Machinist course and trying to become educated on...
  8. J

    New shop detroit custom minibikes

    Does anyone know anything about this new shop that opened its a few streets from me. Any one know their hours

    Improved the view at my shop recently.. least I think so. Started rearranging the upstairs area so I can have a safe place to put the front end of my '37 Pontiac Coupe when we start getting ready to get the engine in. Kinda nice being able to see them while working. Ever since the Burrito got jacked I have to keep them...

    Just finished a 4 year resto on the shop truck

    The old '85 Chevy shop truck got tired and started fouling plugs, the body was covered in primer spots, so we yanked the carbureted 4.3 V6 and dropped in a fresh Vortec 4.3 as well as all the components to make the swap CA legal...which proved to be a nightmare. That and the money black hole it...
  11. P

    help shop got minor flood

    shop got a minor flood, water was only about 1/2'' i shop-vac it up not so bad but humidity is so high lately it wont dry, i run fans opened the doors got rid of all the paper and cloth that was holding the all my stuff is getting moldy. seats and tires on the bikes wooden handles...
  12. samevansjr

    Machine Shop To Do OEM Crankshaft Work On Gx390

    Looking for a machine shop to work on OEM Gx390 crankshaft. I'm looking for to have it balance, polish, bearing fit, cut 3/8" off the PTO, drill & tap PTO end deeper. I'm not sure if it can be done, remove the balance shaft gear on crankshaft.
  13. Bikerscum

    Air/hydraulic shop presses

    Anyone have experience with the shop presses that use air to operate the hydraulic cylinder? Harbor freight sells one... Air / Hydraulic Shop Press w/ Oil Filter Crusher - 20 Ton Just wondering if they are worth the extra $$ over the manual, and how hard/easy to control. I have some sheetmetal...
  14. H

    California Speed Shop In New Jersey?

    Do any of you Jersey boys know anything about this shop? Im dating this decal/sticker to be from the 50's or 60's. Anyone know if they are still around? Has anyone here ever been to there shop if/when they were open? Shop art now.
  15. KustomKartKid

    Kustom Kart Shop

    This thread has been a work in progress since I joined the site 2 years ago. It's been a "labor of love" of sorts……a journey back to a time when life was so much simpler. Seemed I never could find the time to put it all together, but with the holidays comes nostalgia…and I felt motivated to...
  16. MB165

    shock shaft rechroming, need a shop

    Anybody know of a shop, preferably on the east coast, that can do industrial rechroming? I have two 12.5mm shock shafts off a old dirtbike I need redone.
  17. Square_Chopper

    Arco in an Antique shop

    And they're only asking $8k! :deal: :out: Rare 1971 E-Z Rider minibike, all original
  18. t-man

    Laws of the Shop

    Just thought I would share this with you guys. the responces that I'm getting are funny.

    Briggs shop class 101

    I recently found this Kart $50.00 not bad, came with Fiber old body. However motor doesn't run. I know a little about Tec motors and nothing on Briggs. I want to get running so I do my check. 1. Motor is free/turns. 2. Motor has spark. 3. New plug 4. New needle valve assemby 5. Air...
  20. ogygopsis

    Handy Shop Tip

    Here's a tip I learned from an old timer when "I" was just a kid. When working with gloves the right hand one always wears out faster than the left and you end with ten lefts and no rights. Simply take a left-handed glove like in Pic#1. Turn it inside out. (I use my air hose) And you end up...