Two Solo seats available screw on covers allows custom spring studs as needed...
With new chromed springs! $45.00 shipped. One made in china W/ smooth vinyl - Other made in India W/ more leather like vinyl, Nice new seats!
I took a picture of this at the Portland show this last weekend. It's neat, I never seen one before, It has a small out board motor in it, It was last registered in Michigan in 74 if I remember right by the water craft decal on hood. Not sure of the maker. But cool. Sorry I didn't get more...
Im building a MadMax/Grunge bike for a friend of mine and im looking for a cheap solo seat or a solo seat pan that i can make a seat out of. Anyone have anything interesting? thanks
I finally got the training wheels done for my son's Cat and he was able to take it for his first solo ride.
I instructed him repeatedly on brake, throttle and kill switch and even rode on the back around the block one time before his solo attempt. I let him go slow down the side walk to the...
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