1967 Sears Runabout

Its your lucky day. If you can handle getting the number stamped and drilling the holes, the plate is yours . PM me the address where you want it sent. Just consider it my contribution to the greater good.

Those numbers should be reversed stamped into the plate. which I guess means punching them from the backside versus the front so they face out instead of in. A trophy shop or plaque maker might be able to help. Try to find a really long established shop who may still have some handstamping equipment.

But If you want to do it yourself I would suggest you practice on some scrap aluminum prior to embossing the real thing.

And if the numbers don't come out perfect , so what. If anybody has eyesight like mine they would be able to even see the numbers unless they put their nose all the way down on the chainguard... even with glasses on... They call that being nosey.

Anyway, Good luck . Keep us posted.

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