Advancing Dyno Mod 2 Cam

Has anyone ever advanced a dyno mod 2 cam in a 6.5 motor. Stock head on my predator so I'm thinking one dot ahead would give me more bottom end torque and having the head stock uncut should be ok ptv . If no one has info I'm just gona try it. Has 8* key on the motor trying stock key tomorrow...But if it's too much and won't run what can I do .... I wanted a black mamba Jr but they were sold out -__-
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Sold out? Send Tim your cam for a core. He will fix it up.

Advancing or retarding the cam a tooth will make it run like crap.

If you are lacking bottom end, I would look at your gearing first, then carb tuning.
Yea Tim had no more available said in a few weeks getting more in....Gearing it already at about 7:1 ratio. 10tooth clutch 72 rear sproket
Yea Tim had no more available said in a few weeks getting more in....Gearing it already at about 7:1 ratio. 10tooth clutch 72 rear sproket
Okay, then unless you have a really tall tire, I am thinking the cam is all top end, or the carb tuning is off, primarily the emulsion tube or possibly jetting.
The Mod2 makes great bottom end upto at least 7500rpm.
Try your timing at 26-28degress timing. If ya want a bit more grunt.
If this is using a stock carb you want your idle jet at least .024, if you have a aftermarket air filter and pipe.
For a bit more can try a 1.3 rocker on the intake, take all the sharp edges off the ports in the head, also what is the clutch set at with this cam it starts to make power at 3000rpms so the clutch should be set at roughly 2800rpm stall.
The head I cleaned up and smooth some areas out but the clutch start rolling in at about 2400 I've got a digital rpm tach on the bike....

Now the 1.3 rocker can I use the stamped one? And says use 18# springs I've got 22# on it now . And only the intake ?
22 springs should be fine, stamped rocker is fine, and 1.3 rocker on the intake is because the 1.3 rocker on the exhaust makes no difference...