Arizona Off Road Rules

Just WHERE do you want to ride? You original post asked about "off road regulations", but your last post mentioned "street legal"- BIG difference as to regulations/requirements.
Just WHERE do you want to ride? You original post asked about "off road regulations", but your last post mentioned "street legal"- BIG difference as to regulations/requirements.
To try and clarify. I would prefer to off road on US National Forests and BLM when camping. However, those areas are posted with street legal signs.
My understanding is, AZ MVD requires a vehicle to be street legal, a registration and license plate is required for that, as do the US National Forests and BLM. The AZ Game and Fish Dept requires a MVD registration and license plate to obtain a off road sticker.
So unless permission is granted from others with private property, I'm restricted to my 1 acre lot behind the homestead.


Well-Known Member
So you're locked in, with all that country around you? Only way to access is with a licensed, larger vehicle? Now that's a predicament, and a shame.


Well-Known Member
The county sheriff doesn't patrol back in our quiet neighborhood that much.
That's kinda what I was wondering too. With so much public land maybe they're more concerned with the vehicles they expect the most of, like dirt bikes and Polaris types? I can see they'd have an interest in those vehicles being registered and deemed safe. But a little two wheeler with lawn mower engine and might even be home made? I'd be inclined to take my chances if I lived where you do!


Well-Known Member
Just make a phone call and ask.

street legal only would limit the trails to dual sports and road vehicles. There would be no SXS or ATVs on the trails then.

I’m glad I live in an area that doesn’t care about this stuff….