Can I Cut a Brake Cable to Length?

I'm going to replace my brake lever and cable assembly. I need a cable housing about 50" long. All I'm finding are longer, with each end having metal cap. Can I cut off the end down at the wheel to the length I need ? It looks like it goes into a socket and would be immobilized and covered.

Street Smart

Well-Known Member
Definitely, a sharp cutting pliers or small cut off tool will work. Pull the inner cable past where you want to cut the housing to. Double check the edge after you cut it to make sure the end didn't get closed over.
Solder the area you want to cut, about and inch in either direction of the intended location. A quick couple passes with some sand paper will eliminate any bulges from the solder. Use quality, sharp cutting pliers to make a nice clean cut. Your cable is now ready for whatever use you intended. No frays, no strays.