Garage Sale Find Vintage Minibike I think

Please help! I have a Desert Fox mini bike Id # E 10731 per sticker of front fork also says Fox Corporation what year is this mini bike? Guy told me a 1971 but want to know for sure. It has a Tecumseh AH817MB with a plate stamped 567 7278880 what cc is this motor? It also has a lauson power products carb with 528 4d stamped on it, which leaks fuel into engine with no stopping it untill engine is full which is less than a minute what could be the problem and where do I find parts if any can be found? Thank you for all the help.


Well-Known Member
Those, by some, are concidered mini cycles.
Bit bigger than what most play with here.
I would guess, your needle float is not working.
That is a 4 stroke correct? Pretty sure.
Does it have a bowl carb?
Easy fix.
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