Ghetto tool post grinder/cut off tool


Well-Known Member
I don't always need a tool post grinder enough to justify expense of dedicated precision tool post grinder. I have a tiny 6" hobbyist lathe that is super precise but struggles a bit when pushed hard to cut off round stock or tubing. I would sometimes use abrasive cut off wheel and hand held grinder. I found a 1/4" collet attachment to fit on 5/8" right angle grinder and used a scrap aluminum C channel to affix it to tool post. Todays testing has found it works well as cut off tool. It will also be used with abrasive flap wheels for polishing and finishing small bores after machining and cross feed will allow it to polish ID and OD with flap wheel. Not sure rag polisher wheel would survive rotation speeds of grinder. Magnetic base plexiglass safety shield is always used but not pictured here. 20250201_161031.jpg 20250201_161031.jpg


Well-Known Member
These $600 China minilathes are popping up more and more with Camden Bowen on youtube and Thisoldtony.. They can be upgraded into nice machines. I am thinking of picking one up.
Generally a tool post grinder is run with the lathe spindle turning. This setup could be used to cutoff with the lathe stopped but the cut might not be square. Cutting with the lathe turning will give a square cut (exactly perpendicular to the centerline of the work piece).


Well-Known Member
I cover lathe bed with oil soaked rag when grinding. I have a sheet metal cover over lathe bed when turning. Lathe bed rails are nearly perfect and I'm protective of it's pristine condition. I've only had it 5 years or so but it's virtually perfect unused condition. Fellow nearby purchased machine 40-50 years ago and never assembled it. Owner died with machine in boxes. Son in law inherited machine and mounted it to a wooden saw horse and used a few times, and found it was not needed and sold it. I purchased machine and fabricated motor mounting plate and machine base. Purchased tooling package from "Little machine shop" I mounted high speed grinder with abrasive cut off wheel for cutting but the 10,000 rpm shaft speed would exceed speed rating of most of my grinding wheels, so I will use a lower speed polisher for the other grinding and polishing operations. It will be mounted on tool post similar to the high speed grinder. I have an old car polisher with 2000rpm shaft speed that should work. Will start work on mounting and testing soon
I had a small AAA lathe years ago, it was the predecessor to the early craftsman lathes. I made a tool post holder that would clamp the tool end of a Dremel tool flexible cable extender, I used it for grinding valves and internal grinding but it was limited to 1/8" shaft bits. There are variable speed die grinders that serve well for this purpose but they are large.
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