golden pinto forks

I recently picked up this golden pinto , all original except missing the rear fender and chain guard , iI believe the front forksas are bent , iI see some minis with different style forks , but iI just want to make sure they are bent , as iam going to tear it down and clean it up and straighten the forks when iI do , now my second question is does anybody know a do it yourself way to stfaighten then , instead of taking them to a shop and having them put in a press , iam a hill billy at heart and was going to try backing over them carefully with my jeep lol


Active Member
one thing nice about using a press is you can save the original paint. I use rubber pads to protect the paint. The forks on my bonanza mb200 and the arco colt were both straightened without damaging the original paint.
Got the forks straight , went into a local mower shop to get some parts and they had a old press sitting in the back and i I asked if iI could use it , ran home grabbed the forks and the owner let me use the press for free , worked great