I can supply some information on the manufacture of Terra Cat mini bikes , manufactured by Rankin Manufacturing in Durand, Mi.. These were.larger adult sized fat tire bikes, with rimless balloon tires and a 5hp Clinton engine They were manufactured from the early 70s through the late 70s, and were pretty much a one man operation by a guy named Bob Proffer, with a few helpers. The early models had centrifugal clutches, but the later ones incorporated a torque converter. While not fast, they were great in rough country and would go almost anywhere. I do t know what their total production was, but I suspect in the but hundreds rather thàn the thousands. There are still a few of them.floating around the Michigàn area, but the original balloon tires are very difficult to fin
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d. Bob was.a.tinkerer, and I remember he built one with a 350 twin Yamaha from àn RD350 to take t the sand dunes. It was not.very practical because the tires would expand to where they rubbed the fenders. The building is still standing,and last I knew claimed a trophy business. The last time I saw Bob, he was a car salesman at a Chevrolet dealership in Flint, Mi.. If anyone would like photos, I may have some, or could get some of a bike and the building today.