How many people do not use a pc?

I haven't used my pc in a year. I only use my Ipad or Iphone for surfing and exclusively for OldMiniBikes. I can't do the drag and drop thing in the photos section(at least I havent figured out if it is possible with this). But I have figured out work arounds. I can tell you from a business stand point that mobile devises are what people use to search onlne for what they are buying. Does anyone have any issues using this site with their tablets or mobile devises that they may not have had with their PC?


New Member
iPhone only... I have problems uploading pics sometimes because apparently they take up too much space but, after a couple tries it works


New Member
I haven't used my pc in a year. I only use my Ipad or Iphone for surfing and exclusively for OldMiniBikes. I can't do the drag and drop thing in the photos section(at least I havent figured out if it is possible with this). But I have figured out work arounds. I can tell you from a business stand point that mobile devises are what people use to search onlne for what they are buying. Does anyone have any issues using this site with their tablets or mobile devises that they may not have had with their PC?
This is actually something we're working on currently on the warehouse site and you'll see it's becoming more mobile friendly daily.

As far as keeping up with the technology on this forum it's hard. If I dare say "upgrade" or "change to" people freak out.
I have found there are "work arounds" for doing most things. The upgrades are necessary and take time to figure out but they are not the end of the world. We are all creatures of habit and being a forum there will always be discussion or debate but I have definitely noticed that having a home ov nowadays is like having a home phone plugged into the wall.. Most people just use their cell phones. At one of our last sales meetings they found over 82% were looking at our inventory from a mobile device. Pretty significant. So we have both the mobile view and desktop view catered to how you see what is on the screen based on the device.
99% of the time I use my android phone. My eyes don't like the phone, but I can be on the site while the wife is shopping and I am waiting in the parking lot. Or while sitting in the front room watching "Wheel of Fortune"... I use an app called Tapatalk and it really makes it easy for reading the forum.

As far as ordering from OldMiniBikes Warehouse, I think a PC is still easier. I've used both.

I am by no means that tech savvy. But I can fumble through and figure out most things. I wasn't particularly picking apart this site just pointing out that people are moving more to a mobile device world. Since I haven't used the home pc in a year I can't speak to the ease of using one device over the other for this site.. I am in the car business. Advertising is essential. There are sites that you click and it sends you to another site. It is hard to get someone to "land" on your page. Then specifically look at your item over all the other "like" items. There are ways of measuring everything."click through" percentages can be seen so you can see what vendors are driving the most "traffic" to your site and particular item. Just like there is to get people to find your vehicles over all others. Sites like this use EBay/Google and forums like this to get buyers to their site OldMiniBikes. You would be amazed at the money that is spent and the time it takes to get people to find your item. Trying to figure out what works is very difficult and a lot of costly trial and error. My wife is in the IT field for healthcare. I see her dealing with adding drop down menus and terminology and as the go between the end user and developer. Like this site things change constantly as they do major updates. There are glitches every time and fixes there after. I wish I knew more of the technical side to offer more help with issues. I would absolutely pay for this site if it were a subscription site to help pay for any technical help Hent may need to keep things running smooth. Not in a moderator sense but technical. I am sure maintaining this site is a pain in the rear,frustrating and at times pulling the plug would be considered. But as a business this site is s necessary evil in relation to time expelled on running it... Maybe I just need an IPad
We stopped buying PCs years ago.
We were buying new ones every 2yrs or so.
We bought an iMac when they were not very common.
I use my iPad so much that I no longer watch television.
I try to stay off my phone but if I have to, I use it to surf the web. I hate how small and slow everything is with my phone though.
I tried tapatalk can't stand it.
I have no Iphone, or cell phone, nor will I ever have one, as I simply have no need of one. I am retired, mostly in the garage at home, and can't read small text, cant see small photos, can't find small buttons.

From what I see, it would seem that having an iPad (wife has one) or lap top (I use that) would be the way to conduct networking sites like this, if posting photos or comments.

If I were still employed, or had a need to be easily reachable, I'd have a smart phone. As it is, I don't answer the home phone, unless one of my kids or grandkids leaves a message and I call back....or I have an overwhelming need to talk with the breast cancer call center, or other telemarketing people...which I might do later if I become one of those lonely old men.

Best of all, no one is tracking my location, listening to my conversations, or bugging me with texts, calls, and other BS while I am sipping adult beverages and listening to Pink Floyd.
I still just have a simple flip phone and a desk top PC works for me it's simple yet I always seem to need help with programs and anything new.
I also wouldn't do well with a small screen and texting is being just plain lazy, of course that's just my opinion.
I have no Iphone, or cell phone, nor will I ever have one, as I simply have no need of one. I am retired, mostly in the garage at home, and can't read small text, cant see small photos, can't find small buttons.

From what I see, it would seem that having an iPad (wife has one) or lap top (I use that) would be the way to conduct networking sites like this, if posting photos or comments.

If I were still employed, or had a need to be easily reachable, I'd have a smart phone. As it is, I don't answer the home phone, unless one of my kids or grandkids leaves a message and I call back....or I have an overwhelming need to talk with the breast cancer call center, or other telemarketing people...which I might do later if I become one of those lonely old men.

Best of all, no one is tracking my location, listening to my conversations, or bugging me with texts, calls, and other BS while I am sipping adult beverages and listening to Pink Floyd.
I wish i were in your position.......not there yet.........but if you are still in the working must know and have such devices......and i say this because recently i talked with a fellow who said he would never hire anyone that had a flip other words you must be tech savy..........and also because i recently was a victim of ransomware.......on my work computer......what a world this has become........wish it could be as simple as it was when i was growing up.....i envy you dave....
I'm with dave. I have no cell phone at all,no need.Seams like nowadays most people would die without one.if something important ever happened they can get ahold of me at work,always within radio range. I use a pc


Active Member
i use my hp laptop, or samsung tablet. i am also like dave, no fancy phone, just a cheap flip phone, a tracfone at that. my wife and son have some fancy phones, but i have mine mostly for emergencies, although i can text, and take pics with it.
I have no Iphone, or cell phone, nor will I ever have one, as I simply have no need of one. I am retired, mostly in the garage at home, and can't read small text, cant see small photos, can't find small buttons.

From what I see, it would seem that having an iPad (wife has one) or lap top (I use that) would be the way to conduct networking sites like this, if posting photos or comments.

If I were still employed, or had a need to be easily reachable, I'd have a smart phone. As it is, I don't answer the home phone, unless one of my kids or grandkids leaves a message and I call back....or I have an overwhelming need to talk with the breast cancer call center, or other telemarketing people...which I might do later if I become one of those lonely old men.

Best of all, no one is tracking my location, listening to my conversations, or bugging me with texts, calls, and other BS while I am sipping adult beverages and listening to Pink Floyd.
I still just have a simple flip phone and a desk top PC works for me it's simple yet I always seem to need help with programs and anything new.
I also wouldn't do well with a small screen and texting is being just plain lazy, of course that's just my opinion.
While I'm not as old as Dave and Steve :laugh: I am very much the same, I use a PC at home and only have a flip phone that for the most part I use to call Mama during my lunch break :thumbsup: Mama has an I-pad she uses all the time, I have tried it but every thing is so small :doah: I couldn't stand to have to wear my cheater glasses all the time, I have a 21" flat screen on my PC and have no problem seeing it :thumbsup: