LED light is installed on Baja Heat


Active Member
I got in the 3157 style 36-LED bulb today, took a little work to get the socket and bulb into the OEM headlight (creative dremel work to remove the OEM retaining ring and make the opening larger) but it's all together now

Need to get some new rubber washers for the mounts but got it temp mounted and fired the bike up, light output is pure white and seems a lot brighter. Only complaint I have is that the light flickers at idle.

Will take pics of everything later when I tear it down again to install with the washers

Get a voltage regulator to limit flicker and protect the LEDs from over voltage.
A small electrolitic Capacitor would also help with flicker but might cause a small voltage increase.


Active Member
I may look into a volt regulator later, will see how bad it is once the bike is warmed up and at a "normal" idle speed

Assume I could just add one of the 2 wire Briggs style since the light is the only thing powered


Active Member
Pics of the LED install

36 LED bulb hooked up to 12V DV test station

Bulb alone

Harness modified

Headlight modified, what was done here was to dremel out the metal retaining ring to allow room for the bulb and 3157 socket

Bulb and socket in place

Front view

Ready for install


Well-Known Member
looks good:thumbsup: also looks like you have the clearance to go with more leds. there is couple places that do have more leds,but the price is little high and i don't think i have seen them in the newer style socket end like yours yet?


Active Member
The socket hole is a little larger then needed, this was mainly because it was that exact size once I got the metal retaining ring out

Also I did the test fit using an incandescent bulb not knowing the LED was slightly smaller

I finished the mounting last night and fired it up in a dark garage, the light output seems much better then the stock setup

This bulb cost be $6 shipped, as you said I found ones with more LED's but not in white
I dont know much about electroics but ive heard that wiring leds is fairly easy. Maybe you could get another bulb to modify and ad a few more leds. That way you can make it whatever color and brightness YOU need. Maybe even just chnge to brighter leds srather then adding more to the bulb. Just a thought for others.
Does this bike have a Battery? If so then the voltage regulator is the way to go.
If it doesn't have a Battery then a Capacitor is the only thing that will even out the flicker. The Capacitor will not increase the voltage since it will only store as much a the motor will provide. Hence the evening out the flicker, it will store energy and when the motor decrease voltage output it will then pull from the stored energy in the capacitor.


Active Member
Where did you get the socket? Auto scrap yard, does autozone sell one?
It's a standard automotive 3157 socket, parts stores will sell them but I got a whole harness with 3 of them for free to help with another lighting project I did on my Mustang and this was one of the leftovers