How many OldMiniBikes members are Lefties?
I'm a contract Numerical Control Programmer and probably 70% of my peers are left handed, as am I. I distinctly remember the Catholic nuns tying my left hand to the desk during writing class. It didn't work, but I blame them to this day for my being weird.
IMO, left handed people are some of the most creative people I know.
Even this little guy is left handed! :thumbsup:
I'm a contract Numerical Control Programmer and probably 70% of my peers are left handed, as am I. I distinctly remember the Catholic nuns tying my left hand to the desk during writing class. It didn't work, but I blame them to this day for my being weird.
IMO, left handed people are some of the most creative people I know.
Even this little guy is left handed! :thumbsup: