lil indian handlebars


Well-Known Member
Had a little accident disassembling the Lil indian I just got. Broke one of the knurled bolts that tightens the handlebars. Anything comparable out there as replacements? I have not actually even tried to free up the handlebars yet I did this on accident while working on freeing the frze up forkbottoms:doah: I dunno how close they are to something like the Honda z or ct bolts. I'm sure I probably have to at least rethread for the honda (if they would even work.

My handlebars are not so hot, I may have to go a different route anyway unless they were rechromed.

the bike:


Well-Known Member
nice! now I just gotta work on breaking them free and see what size they are Thanks

Yea I'm really liking the frame style, the Briggs I have that I took off another bike I parted out fits really nice in the frame so I think I'll put it together instead of a Bird that was going to be my "beater" bike. Planning on probably just a brake band for the clutch unless the correct disk (or one that fits the mount) is not that hard to find?
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Well-Known Member
does look good al, I saw your thread on that bike when I was trying to verify what my bike was before I went down and bought it. I like the ct/z50 bars too, but I think the taller bars are gonna fit me better so I'm gonna see if can make the a go. If not I'm goig your route for sure as its cheap to do:thumbsup:

Are your tires 5.30 or 4.10 x6"? Need to get some tires, mine are rotted, Has 4.10 but looks like the frame can accept the bigger ones.