just seeing how things fit. i Have to make sure I leave room for some adjustment, the jackshaft holes and the engine mount holes are of course slotted, but the jackshaft holes are situated far back where the engine plate holes are far forward, leaving a small amount of adjustment available. Im not 15y/o anymore, lol, I won’t be beating the crap out of it, so I don’t anticipate needing a whole lot of adjustment any way. But is a little tricky. That first pic shows I’m off about two links now that the engine is in, it was perfect when I just had the engine sitting as far back on the jackshaft as I could get, without it being on the bike,The fourth pic shows how far back the engine is sitting, any further forward I would be maxed out w the jackshaft slots. The fourth pic also shows where I cut the support back just to get the jackshaft to sit on the engine plate, had to cut enough to fit on the engine plate, AND allow for some chain tensioning for rear chain.